Hijab and Burka Identify the Slaves

Read: Death by Hijab by Phyllis Chesler, Here.
SEE ALSO France 's Female Face Banned Beneath the Burka
All across Europe, government leaders are deciding whether to fine, restrict, or ban the Islamic Veil. France's Prime Minister Sarkozy wants a full ban—one that will also apply to Muslim tourists. Belgium wants one too–although it has been warned that doing so "will violate the rights of those who choose to wear the veil and do nothing to help those who are compelled to do so." (That vote has not taken place due to the collapse of the government). Recently, a Madrid school expelled a girl for wearing hijab; the government is backing the school, but four of the girl's classmates have been coming to school wearing hijab "as a sign of support for her."
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See also Esther at Islam in Europe
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