"From conception the increase
From increase the swelling
From swelling the thought
From thought the remembrance
From remembrance the consciousness,
the desire..."
---- Maori Creation Chant
Despite the challenges, we were seeing free and democratic Iraq, we were
living the hard laboring moment we believe that every one of us has
duty towards our beloved country. By our hands, work, thoughts, sacrifice
we will build up the new Iraq.
For the animal shall not be measured by man. In a world older and more complex than ours they move finished and complete, gifted with extensions of the senses we have lost or never attained. They are not brethren, they are not underlings; they are other nations, caught with ourselves in the net of life and time, fellow prisoners of the splendour and travail of the earth.
To Dance Beneath the Diamond Sky with one hand waving Free
I think it is so important that all new readers
see and read this: Cat Fence-In System
Always look in the Table of Contents on your right in the green column to find the post you want to read.
Night Fire in the WI Sky
As you know, a meteor fell to earth over Wisconsin.
"Just after 10 pm CDT (Central Daylight Time) Wednesday evening April 14th, a fireball or very bright meteor was observed streaking across the sky. The fireball was seen over the northern sky, moving from west to east. Well before it reached the horizon, it broke up into smaller pieces and was lost from sight. The fireball was seen across Northern Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, and Southern Wisconsin. Several reports of a prolonged sonic boom were received from areas north of Highway 20, along with shaking of homes, trees and various other objects including wind chimes. As of late Wednesday evening, it is unknown whether any portion of this meteorite hit the ground."
I totally missed it. I was very disappointed I missed it. My friend wrote me about how he experienced it in Mineral Point, WI.
"Wish I had seen this one. We were sitting in the house about 10pm and heard a long rolling thunder, pretty loud. I then looked at the weather radar and there were no storms nearby. The thunder was still rolling, that is not normal. I go outside and can still hear it though very weak.
Turns out there was a large fireball meteor that flew through the area.
Lots of people saw it and some say it was bright as day. Above is a photo from a web cam in Madison, only photo I can find of it right now.
Yeah, the sound really had me wondering what it was, I figured it was a low flying jet. Jill says she heard a sonic boom but I missed that. I found out about an hour later by looking at the local message board, and filtering out the bs, that it was a meteor or space junk.
Our animals were freaked out by it, except the dog who normally runs for shelter when there is thunder, she was just mildly freaked. I would guess we could hear it for 90 seconds. From what I understand the sound came 1-2 minutes after the meteor passed.
Sure wish I had been outside to see that. Here are a couple of videos from youtube, there are three sets, first is from Milwaukee, second from a sheriff's dash cam in Howard County, third is the image I sent you from Madison." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lebF2kxq9cw
the U of WI-Madison sent out the word to find whatever of it did not burn up and they SAY they did actually find one piece so far and it is in their labs being analyzed now. Showed it on TV. zzzz I do wonder how they found this small piece in such a large area....
This is what i said about it on the blog "I blame the Patriarchy when I was talking about the Great Hare. I always end every thread on IBTP. The threads go on for hours and then I comment and that ends the thread. Sometimes you do not know it cause i am stuck in the filter. When Twisty lets me out i go in the thread where i would have been if not stuck - even though i am not at the end the thread stops. I think it is hilarious. Maybe this is why RL banned me and not my oppositional POV.
So anyway this is what i said:
And lastly, WI has finally contributed something to culture other than being the first state to have a state microbe. You know, “state microbe” as in state bird, state flower, etc. WI decided to crown the microbe that makes cheese with the title of State microbe. Lactose something… no other state has a state microbe. Then WI made it legal to sell unpasteurized milk. Then a meteor came from the sky aimed straight at WI.
BTW, our state bird is the Mourning Dove, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mourning_Dove
Yeah and about ten years ago WI passed a law making it legal to shoot them along with crows raven and song birds. Want children with BB guns to grow up to be hunters and this is good practice. They give these children guns and then they kill small animals and pets slowly. I think 10 is the legal hunting age here. I know they want to drop it to 8.
What a video.
sure it was a meteor?
the U of WI-Madison sent out the word to find whatever of it did not burn up and they SAY they did actually find one piece so far and it is in their labs being analyzed now. Showed it on TV. zzzz I do wonder how they found this small piece in such a large area....
They brought out their special Meteor-o-Matic that's kept in the janitorial closet for just such occasions?
Or? It could have been those top secret little ferrets that no one knows about.
btw good news today in Az. Our Governor Jan Brewer signed a conceal and carry law, so we can lug around our guns without a permit doncha know.
finally, if I were you I would wear a helmet for awhile.
just so happens I have picture of the General in charge of the covert ferret meteor brigade.
The piece they found was the size of one digit on a humans finger. IMO it would have taken an army of ferrets to find it.
This is what i said about it on the blog "I blame the Patriarchy when I was talking about the Great Hare. I always end every thread on IBTP. The threads go on for hours and then I comment and that ends the thread. Sometimes you do not know it cause i am stuck in the filter. When Twisty lets me out i go in the thread where i would have been if not stuck - even though i am not at the end the thread stops. I think it is hilarious. Maybe this is why RL banned me and not my oppositional POV.
So anyway this is what i said:
And lastly, WI has finally contributed something to culture other than being the first state to have a state microbe. You know, “state microbe” as in state bird, state flower, etc. WI decided to crown the microbe that makes cheese with the title of State microbe. Lactose something… no other state has a state microbe. Then WI made it legal to sell unpasteurized milk. Then a meteor came from the sky aimed straight at WI.
BTW, our state bird is the Mourning Dove, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mourning_Dove
Yeah and about ten years ago WI passed a law making it legal to shoot them along with crows raven and song birds. Want children with BB guns to grow up to be hunters and this is good practice. They give these children guns and then they kill small animals and pets slowly. I think 10 is the legal hunting age here. I know they want to drop it to 8.
check this out
They say it exploded over Livingston Wisconsin and they are finding many pieces
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