Don't Vote for Vaginae: Vote as Feminist as you can in an Oligarchy
Anyway go read Widdershins and read the excellent post, "I Just Don't Get It", and especially read the feminist comment from Uppity Woman under that post.
I really cannot believe I need to say this but there are repub clones on every so called feminist blog flaming the anger against BO and his no solution programs. These repub hand puppet, Aunt Toms point to electing a repub woman as the answer. "We'll show him by electing Bachmann". They are using BO hatred to cause women/feminists to vote against their own interests. Hard to believe women are that stupid but as Pat Johnson states, one only has to peruse what used to be feminist blogs to encounter this meme. This is the meaning of red herring. They all have the same talking points so you will eventually notice a pattern.
We are radical feminists - if we are organized, politicians are to be used, that is all – not believed in, not relied on, not givers of hope or change, not to have our unquestioning loyalty. If we are not organized, we will lose regardless of who is in office. The State is not our friend. Those who work for the State are not our friends. They can be used and supported as long as they actually support us in return. Not lip service and pretty words but actual programs and education in networking which advance organization, equality and individual freedom.
Organized means more than writing letters by clicking a button sent to us by on-line organizations. It means direct action. It means solidarity. But it is almost too late, even for that as the oligarchy consolidates its control over the democratic process. Even revolution may be impossible as fascist laws are established to intrude on our privacy under the guise of fighting terrorism. Grandma and the 9 year old on her cell phone are not terrorist yet the govt spies on them rather than profiling Muslims who do breed terrorists and travel between the US and Pakistan to sell their children to the highest bidder.
Remember even Gloria Steinem* worked for the CIA. Shaffley and other right wing women are heavily funded by right wing oligarchs as Ms. is funded by Soros (This is what a
*In the late 1950s, Steinem spent two years in India as a Chester Bowles Asian Fellow.[9] After returning to the U.S., she served as director of the secretly CIA-funded Independent Research Service, and worked to send non-communist American students to the 1959 World Youth Festival.[10] In 1960, she was hired by Warren Publishing as the first employee of Help! magazine.[11]
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