Coming Soon to YOUR State: Only applies to the lower middle class and below. The wealthy are so over this single issue because they have the money to ignore it. Those earning under $35,000.00 a year, PAY ATTENTION.
The enemy tries to make you ashamed and silent so he can destroy your right to control your own body. That makes you stay while he abuses you and your children. It is your constitutional right to control your own body. Women should be proud they acted to control their own destiny (and the fate of other children they may have) by refusing to breed in bad circumstances. It takes real courage to speak out but it is necessary. Passivity is the dragon each woman must slay in her quest for Independence.
Call the sexist Rep.Knilans 608.266.7503 and tell him he is not in Kansas anymore. In WI free women are in the majority.
I Stand with Planned Parenthood!
Stand with Planned Parenthood! Add your name to the open letter to the Wisconsin Legislature urging them to restore funding for Planned Parenthood health centers in Wisconsin.Buy a T shirt - It wont kill you and they need the money PLUS it is a way of testifying that you support the right to control your own body.
I am NOT sorry blog
* Abortion bomber picked up by Madison, WI., police before he could attack a clinic (May 2011).
Over at her feminist blog, Echidne is asking for donations so she can keep writing stuff like this:
The new law, which takes effect Friday, establishes new standards for abortion providers—standards apparently designed to make compliance difficult.
The rules require changes to the size and number of rooms, compel clinics to have additional supplies on hand, and even mandate room temperatures for the facilities.
Given that the rules were released less than two weeks before clinics were expected to be in compliance, many providers knew they wouldn't be able to obtain a license to continue operating.
The laws, often called "targeted regulation of abortion providers," or TRAP laws, are an increasingly common legislative maneuver to limit access to abortion by rendering it tough, if not impossible, for providers to comply.
Abortion may be legal in theory but in practice is it much harder to obtain.
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