Climate Change - Just A Coincidence ??? Burning Our Own House Down.
Incredibly, that's what the anti-science politicians in Congress would have you believe.
The recent attempts to defund the Environmental Protection Agency… strip it of its authority to regulate climate pollution… even to abolish the EPA altogether… is leading us toward climate disaster.
Global warming is the most profound challenge of our time – and it is accelerating at an alarming rate. If we should FAIL to reduce climate pollution from burning fossil fuels and deforestation, scientists tell us that the Earth could warm another 2 to 11.5°F… this century!
Yet our environmental organizations are constantly demanding money so they can become further removed from the grassroots and more like the polluters they say they oppose.
The green movement must stop demanding money from the masses and actually organize them to:
Defend the EPA from the polluter assaults on its authority to defend Americans and cut climate, water and air pollution;
Expand Smart Grid Technology work to reap huge energy savings and cut pollution by as much as 30%;
Forge new networks of clean air and climate advocates.
Promote energy efficiency in corporations through grassroots regulation proposals.
Question legislators as to their green initiatives and policy toward the EPA.
THE INCREDIBLE IRONY is that this weather; the floods, the hurricanes and tornadoes, the tsunami, the "wild" fires, now threaten the nuclear power plants and the 20,000 barrels of nuclear waste in barrels at Los Alamo, New Mexico. Nuclear energy was bitterly opposed by the green environmentalist movement before their boards became saturated with corporate funders.
We said it was not clean energy, the nuclear waste was toxic and would last forever and the power plants were subject to instability and man made errors. Beyond all that, the taxpayers had to subsidize the whole development and absolve the builders from any liability so it was not even cheap energy.
Environmentalists were reviled and ridiculed for their stand against nuclear energy by the same people who now tell you there is no such thing as climate change and even if there is it is not man made and if it is man made there is nothing you can do about it. They used to say the same thing about rape. That women should lie back and enjoy it.
CHANGE to clean energy threatens the wealth of the elites. They do not want to be forced to change for any reason because exploitation is the source of their wealth. The elites have no loyalty to this country or reverence for democracy and never lifted a finger to increase citizen rights, but rather are experienced at exploitation. They exploit the environment, exploit the animals, and the people of this country, flooding the country with illegal immigrants to contain the rights won by classes and genders after each organizing wave. The elites grow fat, screeching more, more, more, for me, me, me.
After all they can buy their way out of the problems and misery they bring to all the rest of us.
Oil in the river at Yellowstone? Oil in the public waters in the Gulf?? The water we drink so polluted we are afraid to drink it? The wealthy just buy clean water. The wealthy buy clean water just like they buy politicians and green cards. Polluted environment, concrete cities?? The wealthy just take a vacation to the Bahamas.
Overpopulation and anti choice legislation? Buy your abortion in a country that still permits it.
The wealthy are fascists and they can pollute our public environment while maintaining all their private privilege.
WAKE UP America! There is a class war being waged against the working class and the opponent warriors have friendly, reasonable faces. But they were never our friends.
Our opponents talk of their own desire for liberty and freedom while at the first opportunity, they vote away the public rights workers, women and minorities have struggled and died to win.
Colorado is home to seven National Forests, which contain some of the last truly unspoiled lands in the country, including 4.4 million acres of "roadless" areas—among the most pristine wild lands this country has to offer.
These roadless lands are a haven for wildlife and are home to many imperiled species, including the northern goshawk and cutthroat trout. Many of Colorado's most important rivers have headwaters in roadless watersheds—providing drinking water to millions of Americans.
Colorado's roadless and backcountry areas are a national treasure that must be preserved. They also provide world-class recreational opportunities, which not only help sustain the state's tourism- and recreation-based economy but also its residents' quality of life.
These roadless National Forest lands are currently protected by the 2001 National Roadless Rule, which remains the gold standard for protecting our National Forest roadless areas.
However, after nearly a decade of protection under the National Roadless Rule, the Obama Administration's Forest Service has proposed a new rule just for the state of Colorado. This proposed rule will severely weaken protections of Colorado's roadless forests and contains gaping loopholes that will permit damaging logging, destructive road-building, and scarring mining for coal, a dirty energy source.
Decades of road-building, logging, and mining have already degraded much of Colorado's National Forests, and less than a third remain as roadless areas.
Don't let a watered-down Colorado Roadless Rule jeopardize some of our nation's most precious and last remaining roadless areas! Please take action by July 14th to tell the Obama Administration and the Forest Service to ditch its weak Colorado Roadless Rule and replace it entirely with the National Roadless Rule, which guarantees Colorado the kind of strong protections we need for all of our nation's most treasured and important forests: <>
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