UW Researchers Exempt from Cruelty Laws: Your Tax Dollars At Work
Please call Gov Walker's office (608-266-1212) as soon as possible and ask him to veto Sections 3539g, 3539m, and 3539s from the 2011 Assembly Bill before he signs the Bill.
The Wisconsin State Journal's Sunday editorial felt this exemption to animal researchers was "something that deserves more time, scrutiny and public input".
Please check out Wisconsin State Senator Tim Carpenter's hand delivered letter to the Governor, other letters to the editor, and other posts on both of these links: http://allanimals.org/ and http://allanimalsblog.org/
But please call Gov Walker to veto the above sections. Thank you!
Thurs June 23rd's WYOU "Animals Have Rights" 10pm-11:30 pm on www.wyou.org, livestream and at Cable 95 and Digital 991 Also repeats on Tues June 28 at 4 am
We don't have any such footage from Madison. Maybe it's because the UW-Madison destroyed 628 primate videotapes in 2006 after local citizens asked for a copy of just one of them.
They claimed that there was a steam pipe valve leak which damaged these tapes. But instead of trying to salvage them, they called in Pellitteri Waste Systems to shred them as well.
Bill Lueders was the only one to report this. http://www.isthmus.com/isthmus/article.php?article=2012 (Primate tapes get trashed) check out also the related article links on the right side.
Don't you wonder why they destroyed these tapes and what was on them?
That's why I wanted you to see these disturbing videos. All animal researchers claim they treat their animals with care, but they work so hard to keep the details of their cruel experiments from us, the public. If it were not for a few courageous whistleblowers like Matt Rossell and a few courageous reporters like Bill Lueders exposing this issue, there would be no awareness of what is going on behind the closed doors of the animal laboratories.
The animals have no voice but ours, they have no one looking out for them, especially now if this provision exempting researchers from anti-cruelty laws becomes law.
Please forward this email and links to others, and ask them to also call Scott Walker's office before June 30. Please.
Links to Thursday's show: Rick & Leslie's 5/18/09 episode with Chattel http://www.vimeo.com/6274651 and a 16:35 partial clip of "Unnecessary Fuss" http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3399696296191962720
Martin Luther King-"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."
George Orwell -"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
Edmund Burke- "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."
Albert Einstein-"It has become appallingly clear that our technology has surpassed our humanity."
Elie Wiesel- "Take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented."
Albert Schweitzer- " The quiet conscience is the invention of the devil. No one of us may permit any preventable pain to be inflicted, even though the responsibility for that pain is not ours. No one may shut his eyes and think that the pain which is therefore not visible, is non-existent."
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