IWD 2011 International Women of Courage Awards Ceremony
Tue, 08 Mar 2011 13:45:11 -0600
Special Briefing Melanne Verveer Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues
Henriette Ekwe Ebongo, Maria Bashir Washington, DC
MS. FULTON: Good afternoon and welcome to the Department of State. I’m pleased to greet you today on the 100th anniversary of International Women’s Day. As you know, today, Secretary of State Clinton has hosted the 2011 International Women of Courage Awards here at the Department with a special guest, First Lady Michelle Obama. This is a prestigious award for International Women of Courage that annually recognizes women around the globe who have shown exceptional courage and leadership in advocating for women’s rights and empowerment, often at great personal risk.
So to tell you a little bit more about the event today, the awards, and to – about their own personal stories, we have today a special press briefing with Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women’s Issues Melanne Verveer, and we have the two 2011 International Women of Courage Awards honorees, Henriette Ekwe Ebongo, journalist and publisher of Bebela from Cameroon, and Maria Bashir, prosecutor general from Herat Province in Afghanistan.
So with that, I’d like to turn it over to Ambassador Verveer.
AMBASSADOR VERVEER: Thank you so much. Good afternoon, everybody. We’ve just come from the ceremony marking the hundredth anniversary of International Women’s Day, and also having Secretary Clinton and the First Lady bestow the International Courage Awards on remarkable women who were honored today. There were 10 honorees. Two could not come because they were not allowed to leave their countries, Belarus and Cuba. The others were all here, and among them was the president of Kyrgyzstan, Roza Otunbayeva.
As you just heard, I have with me two additional of the honorees – one from Afghanistan, Maria Bashir, who is a general – a prosecutor general in the attorney general’s office in Herat Province. Banned from working during the Taliban regime, she served her community secretly by teaching sisters and local girls at home despite the risks of great reprisal. She regained her position as an investigative prosecutor, and in 2006, was appointed prosecutor general for Herat, the only woman to ever hold such a position in Afghan history. Her high-profile work and relentless pursuit of justice has come at tremendous personal cost. Her house was set on fire, a bomb exploded in her front yard, and her own life and her children’s lives have been threatened in endless Taliban night letters. But despite all these threats, she has waged a determined campaign against crime and corruption, and she stands out as a champion of judicial transparency and women’s rights.
Also here, we have a fellow journalist for all of you, a political activist from Cameroon. She is one of the most experienced and influential female journalists in her country. Henriette Ebongo has spent a lifetime advancing press freedom, freedom of expression, human rights, good governance, and gender equality. From the struggle against the dictatorship in 1980 to the struggle against corruption and injustice in recent years, she has refused to be silenced, standing up for justice and the rule of law. She has paid a price, she has been imprisoned, she has been threatened, but she goes on in her commitment to the great democratic values.
I just want to say additionally that this morning, in addition to the First Lady joining the Secretary, we also had the prime minister of Australia. She made an announcement – the first female prime minister in Australia – she made an announcement and talked about the value of education. Her announcement had to do with a commitment of additional resources to educate girls in Afghanistan. And additional to that, there was an announcement from the Goldman Sachs Foundation. They’ve got a program called 10,000 Women which helps educate women entrepreneurs with world class business and management training.
And they announced a hundred scholarships, first of which will be deployed to help women in Indonesia and Haiti, and these will be in conjunction, working with our embassies to target women for this specialized training, given the role that women play as accelerators of economic growth, particularly women running small and medium-sized businesses, who often face great barriers yet are critical in driving GDP in their countries.
So that is the sum of the event we just participated in, and now I will ask our two honorees to please come up here, and each of them may want to say a few words. Henriette, you might just want to say a little bit, and then Maria, and then we’ll open it to questions.
MS. EBONGO: Okay. Thank you, good afternoon. I’m a journalist from Central Africa – Cameroon, as you heard. And we have many problems in my country of democracy, free and fair elections, and corruption, public funds embezzlements. And the American Embassy has done a lot. At the beginning of the democratization period, they were part of the process, and then they were the one who laid (inaudible) pressures on the government to put some ministers and general managers of big companies under arrest. So I’ve been doing this while – in spite of repression, torture, being taken to the military court and all these things. Thank you.
MS. BASHIR: (Via interpreter) My name is Maria Bashir. And as it was mentioned in my biography, I’m from the Province of Herat. I work for – I’m a prosecutor, and you probably have some information. As I said, it was mentioned before, but I will be happy to – if you have any questions, I would be happy to share it with you about the situation and the plight of the Afghan women.
MS. FULTON: Okay. With that, we’ll open it up for questions, please.
QUESTION: This is for Maria Bashir. Can you give us a sense of the condition of women in Afghanistan, post-Taliban era? And also, as the reconciliation movement is going on, the peace jirga, what role the woman has been given so far?

The situation, of course, it still remains a little bit vague and not that clear when it comes to the re-constellation, as you mentioned before, about the Afghan women plight and situation. But one thing is that what is the wish of the Afghan Government and something – that it has to be also, the rules and regulations of the constitution of Afghanistan needs to be fulfilled and implemented and remain. And so this is – of course, the situation is we are optimistic, but at the same times, I know that the challenges still remain, and we have to see.
MS. FULTON: Next question.
QUESTION: If I may, I want to put the question in Dari, so she can understand and answer to it. (Speaking in Dari.)
MS. FULTON: If you wouldn't mind, would you give us the translation?
INTERPRETER: Sure. The question is – was the – the first question is that because – since, Ms. Bashir, you are working in the province of Herat and you are working as a prosecutor, what are some of the cases that you are working on? And if you give me a specific cases, this is what – what is the biggest problem and challenges?
And also, at the same time, so how are you feeling? What is the – this award – what does this award mean to you and how you’re sentimentally feeling about receiving this award?
QUESTION: And how we are going to help you in working?
INTERPRETER: And at the same time, how it helps you?
MS. BASHIR: (Via interpreter) Of course, being a prosecutor as a woman, it is a challenging and daunting task. I’m not denying that one. But – and mostly I’m focusing on – our office is focusing on corruption, on eliminating violence against women, and at the same time we are trying to reach out to a lot of families and women. And as I said that it is challenging, but hopefully we will be relentless and we will be trying so hard to make sure that we be able to accomplish, and we are optimistic in that regard.
MS. FULTON: Next question, Goyal.
QUESTION: How much is the President Karzai’s government is doing as far as the women’s condition is concerned despite all the threats from the Taliban? And finally, how do you feel the conditions of the women after the NATO or the U.S. forces leave, so when they’re talking about they might leave next year? Do you feel more threats after they leave, or do you want them to stay?
MS. BASHIR: (Via interpreter) Answering your first question is the Government of Afghanistan relatively has been trying to help the plight and condition of the Afghan women. But I could – at the same time, I would like to point out that, unfortunately, what a lot of promises that were given, all of them have not been fulfilled, either by the international community or by the Afghan Government. And part of it also is due because of the lack of security and stability that currently Afghanistan is experiencing.
Answering your second question, yes, we do Afghan women feel alarmed about this idea of leaving the NATO forces – their withdrawal from Afghanistan. But we are hoping that as long as the constitution of Afghanistan is being observed, as long as we do strengthen our Afghan National Army and the police, army, and also the Afghan National Police and the rule of law and some other institutions of the government, that, of course, would be something that is very important and we will be able to stand on our own feet. But right now, we are talking about pulling or withdrawal of the NATO forces. The Afghan women are alarmed and they all have some kind of concerns.
MS. FULTON: Next question.
QUESTION: My question is to you, Madam Ambassador. Regarding Iran, how does the Project for Women can help and what challenges have you faced, especially with regarding the representative from Iran, did you have any challenges, any difficulty? Who took part?
AMBASSADOR VERVEER: We did not have anyone from Iran. There were 10 honorees that were selected from almost 90 nominations from our embassies around the world. Obviously, we are deeply concerned about the situation for women in Iran, which manifests itself every day. But at this point, we haven’t been able to have any of those kinds of direct links except through others who are working there.
QUESTION: (inaudible) attend the conference?
AMBASSADOR VERVEER: The attendees were the honorees who were selected. There was not one from every country. The embassies nominated, and we had almost 90 submissions, and of those, 10 were selected women of remarkable courage, which is not to say that there aren’t women in every country who deserve this award – and certainly in Iran, there are many – but we based it on the nominations that we got through our embassies.
MS. FULTON: Next question.
QUESTION: I want to ask a question to the lady of Cameroon.
QUESTION: Following the reports about the situation that’s going in Cote d'Ivoire, that we heard about terrible, terrible situations there of repression, and also considering what’s going in the North of Africa, in all these countries like Libya, what’s your message to all the women that are in those territories that are suffering this kind of repression? How do you feel about this? What can you tell us, especially what’s going on in this moment in those countries?
MS. EBONGO: Well, the people of Cameroon is interested in what is going on in Maghreb and Egypt, because we did this 20 years ago. We had this movement of the ghost towns, which lasted six months. And still, I think that our government was supported by France. We didn’t – the opposition didn’t succeed. And what is going on is that young – the youth are prepared to continue these kinds of street demonstrations.
But about women, there is a special problem in Cameroon because women were really involved at the beginning of the democratic process. But when it came to elections, the men will take all the good positions to be elected, and women were not represented. And now we have 180 MPs at a national assembly, only 22 women’s. So in spite of the Beijing Conference and Beijing+5 in New York, nothing has changed really in the representation of women.
And many women walk out of political parties to create NGOs because they were encouraged by the partners to development, the donors, IMF and the World Bank, and the system of the United Nations, who as – who have decided that the gender issue will be an important one for development and for help, for aid and loans and so on.
So these women thought that they were more respected in NGOs in the civil society. So they are no longer outstanding women in political parties. They are just there to applause, to dance sometimes. And as one of the leader of the opposition party in that times, we had many problems to bring women in for political education. We had problem with the IMF, and we wanted – we’ll bring up experts, and they won’t come to the talk. And so many women are most interested in running their own business, but the rise of women – they don’t give a damn for that, really.
MS. FULTON: I think we have time for one final question.
QUESTION: Yes. My name is (inaudible) from DRC. I’ve got two questions. The first one goes to Mrs. Ambassador. While we’re celebrating today the International Courage Woman Award, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, four more women has been raped. You recently traveled in the Congo. What is your message to all those women right now? And also, what is the position of the United States for all those people who are continuously committed all these crime against woman?
And the second question goes to Madam Henriette. It’s almost the same question, but I would like her to send a message to all the Congolese women, but I wanted to say it in French if possible. (Speaking in French.) Thank you.
AMBASSADOR VERVEER: It is indeed a very difficult situation in the DRC. I was back there about two weeks ago, following up on Secretary Clinton’s trip of last June. There has been a considerable effort being made by the United States Government as well as work in conjunction with multilateral organizations like the UN and other countries to address many of the challenges, and there are many.
And so we have been working on a wide range of issues that have to be addressed that include the security questions, ensuring that the soldiers are properly trained, ensuring that – through the United Nations that the MONUSCO force is indeed deployed in a way that protects the civilians. And as you said, we keep seeing these attacks of unprotected women. Working to strengthen the NGOs, there is a deep feeling among the women – and I’ve spent a lot of time in the eastern part of the country as well as in Kinshasa – to resource and enable the NGOs who are filled with talent, many women who are fully capable of making a difference, even including those who want to go from their pain to exerting their power, to really, in solidarity, begin to address their immediate problems. Working with them and through others, other NGOs, to provide the full range of services to deal, obviously, with the consequences of what they’re going through, but beyond that, to help give them the skills and the empowerment that they need to be able to address some of these issues.
The justice system is anemic at best. We have been doing considerable work with the DRC in hopes of getting a mixed chamber system established. Beyond that, there have been some recent positive developments in terms of apprehending some of those soldiers who were involved in the New Year’s Day brutality in Fizi, and some of the top commanders, whom the Secretary mentioned when she was in the DRC. A regimen in terms of the conflict minerals – there is action on every button, if you will, that has to be pushed to be able to bring about the kind of change and end to this conflict, and most particularly, in terms of the political discussions within the country and regionally.
And of course, there is an election coming up, and I think it will be very important to ensure that it’s a free and fair election, that citizens can vote safely, that they’re not intimidated and undermined in that process. And that has got to be something that gains not only considerable attention and support from us in terms of civic participation, but from the broader international community. So there are a range of challenges, all of which we are really working very hard to try, in some way, to address so that we don’t have an ongoing situation that you just described.
MS. EBONGO: Thank you. (Speaking in French.) Thank you. It happens to be that the gender coordination for IFJ, International Federation of Journalists for Central Africa, and the federation of unions in Central Africa is leaded by a Congolese from the DRC, Mr. (inaudible). So I work with female journalists, and we have all these informations on rapes in the eastern part of your country. I think that what I can say as a message is that the women must continue to organize. I know that they are really organizing themselves in the field of journalism, civil society. There are many, many associations and NGOs who are very, very dynamic. And I think that they should be help and supported by the international community to put an end to these massive rapes.
Of course, I’m a woman. There has never been a big civil war in my country since the years of the liberation movement for independence of Cameroon. But I know what is going on in DRC and in other countries, where woman is a – the women are the first victims of civil wars. So – (Speaking in French.)
MS. FULTON: Thank you so much. I’d like to thank Ambassador Verveer and our International Women of Courage honorees today for spending some time with us. This concludes the briefing and will be followed momentarily by the Daily Press Briefing with Assistant Secretary Crowley.
MR. CROWLEY: Right behind you.
MS. FULTON: Thank you.
QUESTION: Thank you.
Women: 2011 International Women of Courage Awards Ceremony
Tue, 08 Mar 2011 12:52:26 -0600 Hillary Rodham Clinton Secretary of State
Melanne Verveer Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues
Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of Goldman Sachs Lloyd Blankfein; Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard; Kyrgyzstan President Rosa Otunbayeva; and Journalist and Publisher of Bebela Henriette Ekwe Ebongo
The Dean Acheson Auditorium Washington, DC
March 8, 2011________________________________________
AMBASSADOR VERVEER: Good morning. (Applause.) Good morning everybody, and welcome to the State Department. We’re so pleased that you could join us for our celebration of the 100th anniversary of International Women’s Day. And we have come together – (applause) – we have come together to honor some remarkable women of courage. And we are thrilled, once again, to have our First Lady with us. Welcome. (Applause.)
And we have many distinguished guests here this morning, all of our friends and colleagues here from the State Department, particularly Under Secretary Otero and Hormats and some many leading members of Congress – Congresswomen Louise Slaughter, Nita Lowey, Eddie Bernice Johnson, Lynn Woolsey, Carolyn McCarthy, Jen Schakowsky, Gwen Moore, Karen Bass, and Sheila Jackson Lee. (Applause.) And we want to thank Senator Shaheen and Congresswomen Schakowsky for introducing resolutions commemorating this historic centennial. (Applause.) We also want to welcome the many members of the diplomatic core who are with us this morning.
And now it is my happy task to turn the podium over to the woman who is recognized around the world as a champion for women and girls, a woman who has used her voice and her platform over many years to lift up those whose voices have too often been silenced or marginalized, a woman who never ceases to remind us that progress for women and girls and progress for nations go hand in hand. Please welcome a tireless advocate, a woman of courage in her own right, our own Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. (Applause.)
SECRETARY CLINTON: Thank you. (Applause.) Thank you all. Thank you and welcome to the State Department. We are so pleased to be hosting this 100th anniversary celebration and to have so many distinguished guests. I want to start by thanking Melanne. As most of you know, Melanne Verveer is our Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women’s Issues. (Applause.) I want to recognize that she has been a woman of courage almost every day of her life, but she also deserves an award as a “Woman of Stamina.” (Laughter). She travels on behalf of the Obama Administration almost endlessly, Mrs. Obama, and she just keeps going year after year, chipping away at the problems that affect women and girls and that affect national security, economies, peace, and stability.
It is a great pleasure once again to be able to celebrate this day with the First Lady of the United States, Michelle Obama. (Applause.) Ms. Obama has done so much to support, inspire, and challenge women and girls here at home and around the world. You see her in our schools with American children, you see her in the schools of India and elsewhere with schoolchildren there. And everywhere she goes, she sends an unmistakable message that she and her husband, who happens to be the President of the United States, have two daughters that they love and support and are providing the direction and discipline that is needed to raise children. And they hope, as we all do, that every child would have the same opportunity to live up to his or her God-given potential.
I’m also delighted to welcome the first woman prime minister of Australia, Julia Gillard. (Applause.) The prime minister is a wonderful partner in our global efforts to advance the important issues that Australia and the United States share in common. And in particular, she is focused on improving opportunities for women and girls. And when her visit with President Obama was scheduled and she learned that it would coincide with this occasion, she quickly said she wanted to be here. And I was lucky enough to spend time with her last year in Melbourne, and now we’re cooperating on everything from solar power to security, but with a special attention paid to the daily lives of women and girls.
We’re also honored to have with us Cherie Blair, who has started a wonderful foundation to help women entrepreneurs. And we are working together on the mWomen initiative to tap the power of mobile technologies to empower women, and I’m delighted that you could be here with us as well, Cherie. (Applause.)
And finally, I want to thank our token man – (laughter) – Lloyd Blankfein, CEO and Chairman of Goldman Sachs. He has helped to support and pioneer a program you’ll hear more about in a minute that really does go into developing countries and work to improve the economic and business opportunities of women. And we’re pleased that Lloyd is here and will have an important announcement to make.
Now, in addition to these remarkable women who are sitting up here on the stage with us, we also have the participants from the 100 Women Initiative that we launched yesterday. These are established and emerging leaders from business, academia, civil society, media, medicine, from every region of the world. They are fearless advocates for the rights of women and for fundamental human rights and democracy, and they are going out around our country, not only to work with Americans in various fields of their interest, but also to exchange ideas about how do we empower people to build their own futures and to do so with skills and support from the rest of us.
And then finally, I want to welcome this year’s 10 winners of the International Women of Courage awards. Each and every one of these women is remarkable. I have known some for many years, some I’m meeting for the first time today.
Now, I have to say, we’ve never before given an award to a head of state, but we were so inspired by the tremendous courage, leadership, and tenacity shown by the first woman to lead a Central Asian nation – President Roza Otunbayeva of the Kyrgyz Republic. (Applause.) In the face of a collapsing government, regional divisions, economic privation, she emerged as a unifier, someone who kept Kyrgyzstan whole after tragedy and upheaval. She is a president who knows how to lead, but she also knows how to let go. Because she has set an extraordinary example of what it means to relinquish power. She decided early on she would help to set up a new government, have a new constitution; and when the time came, after the elections were finished, she would turn over powers to the new prime minister and that government.
In so doing, she has offered an invaluable lesson to fledgling democracies everywhere, because we know, of course, that elections alone do not produce democracies. It is that willingness to share power with other elected officials, to build democratic institutions, to hold a second and a third free and fair election, to transfer power peacefully – that’s what allows true democracy to take hold.
And this is a woman who I think can stand as an example to many leaders around the world about what democracy and power should be used for: to help the people that you are supposed to serve. (Applause.)
Now, for anyone raising children in today’s world, it seems that there are not enough heroes and heroines, so I am particularly privileged to honor nine other women who have truly done heroic work to advance freedom, equality, opportunity, and dignity for all. They have risked their lives. They have served in prison. They’ve been harassed and oppressed. Sometimes their own children’s lives have been at risk. They have been insulted, beaten, and tortured.
And yet, each of these women has found the strength to persevere in the face of fear, isolation, or repression. And they’ve done so not just one day or one year, but day after day and year after year.
Now, two of our honorees, Nasta Palazhanka from Belarus and Yoani Sanchez from Cuba, could not be here because their governments would not allow them to travel here. But we are with them in spirit and we salute them for everything they are doing on behalf of their countries and their people. (Applause.)
Now, as you hear more about each of these women from Mrs. Obama and from me and from the citations, you will understand that each has pushed the envelope of what was considered permissible. And they have been inspirations, and I believe they can inspire generations of women and girls who follow after.
Now, I was struck to learn the other day that our planet that we all share is now host to the largest generation of girls and women every born. There are now more than 850 million girls and young women age 10 to 24. What kind of world will they inherit? What kind of world will their children inherit? How will they lead the next generation? Who will they look to as models?
The women in this room all know how to lead by example:
Henriette, who is working for good governance in Cameroon:
or Jianmei, fighting sexual harassment cases for women in China;
Eva, seeking to stop so-called “honor killings” in Jordan;
Marisela, who is starting a federal witness protection program so cartels can be prosecuted in Mexico; Maria, insisting on defending women brutalized by domestic abuse even after her own home was set afire in Afghanistan;
Agnes, defending the rights of Roma women from a seat in Hungary’s parliament;
or Ghulam, insisting that every girl in her rural Pakistani village deserved to be enrolled in school.
Each of these women – and I mention them in a personal way because this has been a personal mission for them. They have reached down deep and done what was necessary. And I often wonder how many of us, including myself, under those circumstances, could have done the same. Their courage, their compassion, their commitment, their quiet moral authority has come from putting the well-being of others before their own.
Now, we have seen similar tales of courage from women across the Middle East in recent weeks. They have insisted that their voices be heard. And in the coming months and years, the women in Egypt and Tunisia and other nations have just as much right as the men to remake their governments – (applause) – to make them responsive, accountable, transparent. (Applause.)
The United States will stand firmly for the proposition that women must be included in whatever process goes forward. No government can succeed if it excludes half of its people from important decisions. We saw women out in force in Tahrir Square in Cairo. They were clearly saying they expected to have a voice and a vote in the future.
And I noticed that last week a group of Egyptian women wrote to the Constitutional Committee of Egypt asking why none of Egypt’s distinguished women legal experts had been invited to join in drafting constitutional amendments for the transition to democracy. We will certainly be watching and the world will watch. And it’s not just the rest of the world, but the women themselves who deserve to be at that table making those choices that will affect their lives and the lives of their daughters and their sons no matter what government emerges.
It will take more than democracy to create real opportunity and stable societies. It will take jobs and economic growth. So I am delighted to announce that we are launching a new partnership designed to help businesswomen in developing countries make the most of their talents.
The Goldman Sachs Foundation’s 10,000 Women Department of State Women’s Entrepreneurship Partnership – it’s a mouthful – (laughter) – but it’s a really critical effort to provide scholarships for 100 women entrepreneurs over the next two years. (Applause.)
And we intend, working with Goldman Sachs, to make sure that these scholarships help women receive world class business and management training. The first women will come from Indonesia and Haiti. And I’m delighted that Lloyd Blankfein is with us to announce this partnership, which will supplement the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women program, which has already been such a success. It has already educated more than 3,500 women in more than 20 countries.
And the evidence shows that these women have been growing their businesses, boosting their profitability, creating new jobs for others. Women-run small and medium-sized businesses drive GDP growth all over the world. In fact, they are one of the highest-yield investments we can make.
So I thank Lloyd and I thank his creativity and vision for this exciting venture, and I invite him to share a few words with us. Lloyd. (Applause.)
MR. BLANKFEIN: Well, thank you, Secretary Clinton. This is one of the greatest honors I’ve ever had, to share the podium with these very courageous women.
The people in front here, the people behind me, are some of the most important advocates for women in the world. And few have been more persuasive advocates than First Lady Michelle Obama. Your support for women in this country and around the world will help countless families and communities for years to come.
Three years ago today, Goldman Sachs launched 10,000 Women, a $100 million investment to provide business and management education to women entrepreneurs. Our investment in women is anchored in ours and the World Bank’s research that showed how investing in women can have a real impact on GDP growth, particularly in developing economies. Today, more than 3,300 women have gone through the program in more than 20 countries. After graduation, more than 50 percent of the surveyed graduates from 10,000 Women have added jobs, and 70 percent have increased their revenues. And I’m proud to say the program will reach 5,000 women by the end of this year.
Investing in women is one of the most effective ways to stimulate growth in emerging markets. But equally important, it has a huge effect on these women’s families and on their communities. Children are healthier, homes are more stable, and communities are more vibrant. And that is why we’re especially honored to partner with the State Department to extend this initiative to new countries.
This public-private partnership establishes a training program for 100 female entrepreneurs in new countries identified by Secretary Clinton and her team. Over the past two years, the Office of Global Women’s Issues and Ambassador Verveer have been vital partners for 10,000 Women. I want to especially acknowledge Melanne’s support and guidance when 10,000 Women was just getting off the ground. There is no better example of these programs’ impact than in the graduates themselves. I’m humbled by their passion and resolve every time I meet with them.
Today, we’re fortunate to be joined by two graduates, Divya Keshav from India and Christine Tour from Liberia.
Divya empowers women by hiring them as machine operators at her label factory and providing opportunities for promotion.
Christine, against all odds, returned to Liberia after the civil war to train women and create jobs at her beauty salon. Both of them demonstrate the power of investing in women, and we are proud to be a very small part of their success.
Thank you very much. (Applause.)
SECRETARY CLINTON: Thank you very much, Lloyd. And now it’s my great pleasure to present to you the prime minister of Australia. She will have to leave early, but I am so glad she could be here to share a few words.
Julia. (Applause.)
PRIME MINISTER GILLARD: Thank you very much. It is a tremendous privilege to be able to join you here today, and happy International Women’s Day to each of you. I come as the first female prime minister of Australia, wearing a scarf given to me by the first female governor-general of Australia, a courageous woman herself who has fought for women’s equality in our nation.
And I am very honored to be here today with First Lady Michelle Obama and Secretary of State Clinton, and to join so many women of courage who have done remarkable things in our world. I know today at this event, Secretary of State Clinton is going to say some things about these women of courage, so I want to say – take the opportunity to say something about her, to say something about her courage and how she has been an emblem and an inspiration for women around the world.
And in honoring Secretary of State Clinton, I would like to use words that she said in 2008. She applied them to others, but I believe that they apply to her. She said that the bravest and most remarkable achievement is what you make unremarkable – female leadership. Secretary of State Clinton, you’ve made female leadership an image around the world. I don’t think we can say female leadership is unremarkable yet, but you have made the journey so much easier for others. Thank you very much. (Applause.)
And as we celebrate International Women’s Day, we celebrate the courage of women who have shaped our world – women like Susan B. Anthony in your own country and Jessie Street in mine, women who are publicly noted for shaping events that led to a world where we better recognize women’s equality and women’s rights.
Now, there are so many women who contributed to that story whose names we do not know. Indeed, today, we honor every brave mother who ever raised a strong daughter and helped us get here. Those women worked for more than political rights. They worked for the opportunity for women to hold high office, but they worked for so much more.
They worked to make sure that they had the right to vote, the right to equal work and equal pay, the right to proper services, the right to physical safety. Perhaps more important than anything else, they worked for the ultimate right, and that is a right to an education. I am absolutely passionate about education because I believe it gives everybody the opportunity to shape their own lives for the future. And wherever I encounter women and girls, I know what can change their lives is the ability to have a great quality education.
And I’d like to leave you with one message today, and that message is: Education takes courage as well. It takes moral courage to learn to read. It’s an adventure for every child. It’s an adventure that never ends. Yesterday, President Obama and I were pleased to see some women who are on that adventure, some girls at Wakefield School in Virginia.
But today, I want to say to you there are women and girls around our world who need physical courage in order to get an education, physical courage in order to learn to read. And I believe a great symbol for hope in our world is that there are women now who are able to learn to read in countries where that basic right was denied to them.
Let’s look at the Indonesian school which is providing modern education in the most populous Islamic country. Let’s look at the school in Uruzgan province in Afghanistan, where female literacy of less than 1 percent is now being met with the freedom to learn to read. And Australia is proud to be providing $36 million over four years through the Save The Children Fund to help those girls learn to read.
I’ll say to you today this is the next part of our journey, ensuring that we are working together as women to make sure women around the world get access to a decent quality education. I know we’re up to it and I know we’re going to achieve it together. Thank you very much. (Applause.)
SECRETARY CLINTON: Thank you so much, Prime Minister, for stating with such passion and reminding all of us of the importance of fighting for education for all girls and boys. And some of my former colleagues in the Congress have been on the frontlines of that fight for many years.
It is now my great personal privilege and just absolute delight to introduce the First Lady of the United States. Now you know I have a soft spot for all first ladies. (Laughter.) It is really one of the most difficult roles I’ve ever had, and I have watched with great admiration as Michelle Obama has taken on such important work. She’s been a leader in tackling the epidemic in childhood obesity, and I have to thank you for that because it is one of the critical health challenges that is facing us and increasingly not only here in the United States, but around the world. She has not been afraid to get her hands dirty, quite literally, by planting an organic garden at the White House to demonstrate what it means to eat healthy. She even got the White House staff to give out apples and seeds at the Annual Easter Egg Roll, something I never could have accomplished. (Laughter.)
I also greatly appreciate her tireless advocacy for America’s military families. Too often those who are left behind also serve but without the support that is needed and she has recognized that and has rallied our public for greater support and awareness of family service and sacrifice.
And she has continually found new ways to reach out to women and girls around the world. She’s given internationally a role model for so many not only here at home, but from all walks of life everywhere, to help each person see what could be, how obstacles could be overcome, and she has certainly encouraged with her championship of educational experiences abroad for young Americans to develop a deeper understanding of the world. And so for those and many other reasons, it is such an honor to ask you to join me in welcoming Michelle Obama. (Applause.)
[First Lady Michelle Obama delivers remarks.]
SECRETARY CLINTON: Thank you. Thank you so very much, Michelle Obama. And I know that the women around the world who are watching today in many different sites and settings know that they have a champion in the White House. And I love the phrase that courage is contagious, so we’re going to see how we can propagate that in many different lands.
It is now my honor to present the International Women of Courage Awards. And what we’ll do is I will announce the citation, and I think that Mrs. Obama and I will then pose for a picture. Is that how it’s going to work? Good. I always have to ask the chief of Protocol because we find in these jobs that the chief of Protocol runs our lives. (Laughter.)
So with that introduction, let me begin. Let me first ask Maria Bashir of Afghanistan to join me. (Applause.) I thank you for that strong response for Maria, because she needs our support and she needs to have her own country understand how important the work she is doing is for them.
For defending those who have no legal voice, fighting corruption, and bringing hope to women survivors of violence, disfigurement, and child marriage, we salute you.
(The Award was presented.) (Applause.)
SECRETARY CLINTON: Henriette Ekwe Ebongo of Cameroon. (Applause.) For a lifetime of selfless dedication to the pursuit of justice, the rule of law, human rights, and freedom of expression, at great cost to herself, her physical safety, her family, her acceptance by her society, she has never wavered. And for that, we give you this award.
(The Award was presented.) (Applause.)
SECRETARY CLINTON: I have known Jianmei Guo of China for 15 years. I have watched this extraordinary lawyer create space for actions that defend those who are in desperate need of support for her fearless and unwavering legal advocacy in defense of the rights of the vulnerable and marginalized, standing against injustice, and her groundbreaking work to improve the status of women.
Unfortunately, over those 15 years, I have seen her government try to narrow that space and prevent her from doing this critical work on behalf of women who are robbed of their wages, women who need to get a divorce, women who have nowhere to live, and so many other cases. Her daughter is here somewhere, and I know how proud her daughter is of her mother, and so are we. (Applause.)
(The Award was presented.) (Applause.)
Agnes Osztolykan of Hungary is, as you heard the First Lady say, the first Roma woman ever elected to the parliament in Hungary. For overcoming racism and discrimination to emerge a leader in elected office, serving as a proud defender of the Roma people and culture, and tirelessly pressing for equal rights and the inclusion of minorities in society, we thank you for your work, we thank you for your example, and we will stand with you.
(The Award was presented.) (Applause.)
Eva Abu Halaweh of Jordan has taken on one of the most sensitive of issues. She has provided a legal outlet for victims of torture, abuse, and so-called honor crimes. She has been a relentless advocate on behalf of human rights and women at risk. This has been a challenge that she has embraced. And she never stops thinking of those who are in need of support, not only from her but from governments like ours. And we thank you. (Applause.)
(The Award was presented.) (Applause.)
Her Excellency, Madam President – I love saying that – (applause, laughter). When I visited the president just a few months ago, I was so impressed by her command of the issues and her understanding of what it will take for her country that she loves so much to have the kind of future that the children deserve to have. For visionary leadership and tenacity to end conflict and to keep her country intact, and to empower all of her citizens through meaningful elections and democratic advancement, she stands not only as a great leader of her own country but as a challenge and an example for leaders everywhere. And we thank you for that, Roza.
(The Award was presented.) (Applause.)
Marisela Morales Ibanez of Mexico – (applause). The work that she is doing is dangerous. It is among the most important work that can be done in her country. President Calderon and the Government of Mexico are committed in the fight against violence and the drug traffickers and criminal organizations. And she has shown an unfailing drive to combat organized crime and corruption, and a valiant dedication to the protection of citizen security and human rights. And as President Obama told President Calderon when he visited last week, we are with you, we will be there for you, we stand by your side as you do everything you can to protect the good people of Mexico from this scourge of criminality.
(The Award was presented.) (Applause.)
Ghulam Sughra of Pakistan – (applause). She has lived a life that demonstrates unequivocally that one person can make a difference. In her village, she stood up for her own rights and, as the First Lady said, became the first woman to get a divorce. And then she decided she wanted to fulfill her own dream and to become educated. And then she decided she wanted to help others have the same opportunities. So for sheer determination and strength to overcome poverty and gender discrimination, and to help other rural women in your village and far beyond have a chance to be educated and to educate their children and to provide a better future to transform their own their lives, we are so proud to present you with this award.
(The Award was presented.) (Applause.)
I also want to honor the two special women who were unable to join us here today because their governments would not permit them to come. They also are true women of courage and conviction, and I regret they cannot be here with us in person, but let us remember and acknowledge them.
Nasta Palazhanka of Belarus – she has been living through such a difficult time. A country right in Europe that is still oppressing its people, rigging elections, jailing political opponents in the most brutal and oppressive ways, is an intimidating force. But, she has stood up and spoken out. So for her resolute commitment to promoting civil society and youth political activism, and braving – bravely helping to chart a peaceful path toward democratic society, we applaud her. (Applause.)
And finally, Yoani Sanchez of Cuba. She is the young blogger that Mrs. Obama referenced. She has used technology to promote positive change. She has created an interactive space for the exchange of ideas and free expression. She has given voice to the concerns and aspirations of her fellow citizens. And, as governments are learning around the world, you cannot stop the internet. (Laughter.) And so her words, despite her government’s best efforts, are being translated into other languages, are being picked up and spread around because freedom knows no boundaries. And she deserves our thanks for demonstrating that again and again. (Applause.)
Let me now invite President Otunbayeva to come and express the reactions and feelings of the award winners and to perhaps say a few words on behalf of herself and her country.
Madam President. (Applause.)
PRESIDENT OTUNBAYEVA: Madam Secretary, dear Mrs. Obama, ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for your kind words and attention. Secretary Clinton, I accept this award on behalf of all women of Kyrgyzstan who struggle from the day to day to make their voices heard. This award belongs to those who, despite their condition, rise above and demand respect to their human dignity. In big politics, when a woman stands up to dictator or it is a domestic situation when she refuses to accept violence and humiliation, what do we have celebrating today? The courage is one of the same quality and scale. Many millions of women do not have the fame and publicity that I enjoyed in my political career. It is so to these nameless, but truly heroic women that I dedicate this award and mostly humbly pledge to continue my work for the cause of social justice and the rule of law.
It is also great honor to share this award to this distinguished group of women activists from around the planet. It is really inspiring to be here and hear your amazing stories. Madam Secretary, a year ago today on March 8th, International Women’s Day, I stood in a square of Bishkek near the monument of Urkiya Salieva, a heroine of Kyrgyz women emancipation. I had invited several members of parliament, civic activists, human rights defenders, and youth leaders to that square to mark the International Women Solidarity Day. The idea was simple to come to a public space together on a public holiday. What could be less threatening than a group of women, some with their children in strollers, coming together to celebrate?
A year ago in my country, it was very dangerous. You were risking a lot to initiate or participate in anything resembling a public protest. When less than a dozen activists showed up, I could not blame any of my friends and colleagues who chose to stay home that day. We all lived in fear. The usual news in my country was about political killings, attacks against journalists, jailing, persecution of opposition leaders, shutting down of the independent newspapers and websites. It was on April 7 last year that the youth of the country said enough to silently watch the very meager national resources be stolen by the corrupt dictatorial family. We paid a very dear price to liberate our nation; more than 80 young people choose to die rather than to continue to live in fear.
The interim government that was formed by the opposition on that day focused on efforts not to squander the liberty that we achieved. We knew that it was not enough just to depose the dictator. We had to rebuild the country on the principles of rule of law and democracy. Within three months, we held a national referendum to approve the new constitution that transformed the country into the first parliamentary democracy in the region. (Applause.) We then provided for political parties, including those that were opposed to us or even directly represented interests of the past regime compete freely in the parliamentary elections. For the first time in our history, the people of Kyrgyzstan elected its own government.
While the difficulties remain and we have many challenges ahead of us, we remain proud and optimistic, yes. When you are a dictatorship, it is very easy to create the artificial picture of stability and harmony. When you have a democracy, you must learn to accept many voices, some of them very critical, some even insulting. To the outsiders, it looks like you are about to collapse every minute. (Laughter.) But it is via this active dialog and public debate that we can find compromise and pursue what is best for the national interest. We may look more in disarray today when we were a year ago, but most certainly we are much stronger as a state and as a people.
Madam Secretary, dear friends and colleagues, I want to share with you one or two ideas of the occasion of today’s International Women Solidarity today. This day was pronounced 100 years ago by social democratic women leaders in Europe. I was named after one of them, Rosa Luxemburg. Although, some of their – (applause) – although, some of their theories may have been flawed, it is through their idea of liberating and empowering women that I owe my education and the fact that I was blessed with so many opportunities in this life. What I am concerned with today is that we see a lot of achievements in the area of women rights being eroded now and scaled back. It breaks my heart to see young women and girls in the region not to have the same rights and the opportunities that we, their mothers, had.
Yes, we can see a lot of progress in public awareness from the time 15 years ago when I saw you, Secretary Clinton, famously declaring in Beijing human rights are women rights. (Applause.) Women rights are human rights. (Applause.) However, when it comes to the reality, the reality in many places of the world remains disappointing and even worsening.
I think I’m talking about the same fundamental that was discussed by President Obama in his book “The Audacity of Hope,” how Indonesia of his childhood has become a very different place now. Why’s that I ask you? There is a lot of talk about export of democracies. Your most (inaudible) discuss how the developed West is supposedly trying to impose its own values on the rest of the humanity. However, nobody talks about the different kind of export, how billions of dollars are spent by some powerful and obviously very rich outside forces for programs that aim to re-enslave women, to deny them their rights and freedoms. Ideology of religious extremism disseminates intolerance towards representatives of other religions and ethnicity. It refuses to see women as equal important and rightful members of the society. The time has come that we stop shying away from confronting those in our own countries and internationally who declare women as inferior creatures. (Applause.)
The historic times that we are witnessing in the Middle East and elsewhere should really serve as a call for action. Young girls everywhere, not only in such countries as Kyrgyzstan or Afghanistan, should have equal access to education, employment, full-scale of political and social rights. They deserve nothing less than that. It is not enough to liberate societies. Without liberating and empowering every individual’s of that society, there won’t be any justice. (Applause.)
Madam Secretary, dear Mrs. Obama, in many languages – I can talk most certainly in the Kyrgyz and in Russian, the notion of courage has very strong masculine terms. Historically and culturally for much of the recent history, only men supposedly could be brave. Of course, these men who wrote the history books prefer to forget about the period – (laughter) – of matriarchy when we know that it was the women who ruled the planet.
I want to thank you, Secretary Clinton, for continuing these awards that redefines the word courage in very feminine terms. I’m very proud to be a woman, a mother, a daughter, and a sister. I’m very proud to be here today and receive this award. Happy March 8th. (Applause.)
SECRETARY CLINTON: Oh, my. Well, now you know why we all just admire and have such great feeling for her. I want now to invite our Cameroon winner, Henriette Ekwe Ebongo. Please come and say a few words. (Applause.)
MS. EBONGO: Mrs. Obama, Secretary Clinton, distinguished invitees, today is a great day for us. The sun is brightly shining in our hearts. Each of us is waging a fierce battle for the ideals and unshakable convictions she stands for. Each of us does it, whatever the price to pay, the loneliness of (inaudible), repression, torture, and (inaudible) from everywhere the violence of those who (inaudible) humiliations. We tried to achieve our goals, making our country the best place to live where you enjoy freedom, (inaudible) in democracy, development, gender equity, and good governance.
Our societies still suffer so many diseases that we could not just fold our arms and wait. Our commitment to changes likely to improve our citizens’ lives was and still is our life’s missions. We did not think about becoming heroines, but it just happened that we were there and had to fulfill our historical duty.
We do appreciate this award of International Women of Courage as a wonderful umbrella and shield to protect us in our daily activities. We welcome this precious award as a tremendous (inaudible) tool for younger generation to stand up and fight and pave the way for the future, a better future. The International Women of Courage Award represent for all of us a new beginning and a good reason to stand firm. This country has done a lot in shaping the mentalities and contributing to building a modern, democratic society. Only half of my (inaudible), let me express our deep and sincere gratitude. Thank you. (Applause.)
AMBASSADOR VERVEER: And now to close the celebration, we have a very special surprise. Grammy Award-winning composer and lyricist Tena Clark has written a song for today, a song to honor the International Women of Courage and the women they represent around the world and to honor Secretary Clinton and the First Lady.
Judith, can you come up please? “I Believe” will be performed now for the first time, and here is Judith Hall to do so. (Applause.)
(Song is performed.)
AMBASSADOR VERVEER: Judith, thank you so much. Tena, thank you so much for composing that.
At this time, we ask that all of our guests hold while the First Lady, the Secretary, and the honorees take photos and take leave of the room. And then we invite all of you to join us for a reception upstairs in the Ben Franklin Room. As the President said, Happy March 8th. Thank you all again. (Applause.)
Liberia: Female Peacekeepers Empower Women to Participate in National Security

Ten years ago, in 2000, the UN passed Security Council Resolution 1325. The resolution calls for a gendered perspective on the enormous impacts of conflict on women and calls for women to play an integral role in conflict resolution and peace-making. Yet ten years later women still play a much more minor role than men in peacekeeping, a fact women activists from around the world highlighted during the Commission on the Status of Women session at the UN Secretariat in New York earlier this month.

Women's participation in peacekeeping is not only important under the general blanket of the advancement of women and the struggle for gender equality. Yasmina Bouziane, spokesperson for UNMIL told MediaGlobal "The deployment of female peacekeepers has been recognized not simply as desirable, but also as an operational imperative. This is based on the presupposition that increasing the gender balance within a mission will increase the peace. Community members assert that the presence of female police officers and peacekeepers in UNMIL has led to enhanced physical safety and security."
Particularly in countries with a history of widespread sexual violence such as Liberia, women police can play a vital role in securing the area. Survivors of sexual assault may be more comfortable approaching a female police officer for assistance, particularly given the history of male soldiers, police officers, and peacekeepers abusing their power and perpetrating acts of sexual violence. Bouziane continued, "It is especially important to highlight the effect of female police and peacekeepers on reducing the instances of sexual and gender-based violence in the community. The 'all-female' FPU has proven to be a resource in the UN-coordinated response to sexual violence, cited by the community as a deterrent as well as a response mechanism."
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Why is it important to have female peacekeepers?
Female peacekeepers act as role models in the local environment, inspiring women and girls in often male-dominated societies to push for their own rights and for participation in peace processes.
The increased recruitment of women is critical for:
empowering women in the host community;
screening of female ex-combatants;
assisting female ex-combatants during the process of demobilizing and reintegration into civilian life;
widening the net of information gathering;
performing the cordon and search of women;
interviewing survivors of gender-based violence;
mentoring female cadets at police and military academies;
interacting with women in societies where women are prohibited from speaking to men.
The presence of women peacekeepers can also:
help to reduce conflict and confrontation;
improve access and support for local women;
empower women in the community;
provide a greater sense of security to local populations, including women and children;
help create a safer and less fearful environment for women
highlight the UN’s commitment to diversity, inclusion and gender equality;
broaden the repertoire of skills and styles available within a peacekeeping mission.
Key facts and figures
In the 32 years between 1957 and 1989 a total of only twenty women served as UN peacekeepers;
In 1993, 11 out of 19 peacekeeping missions had civilian components and women made up one third of civilian staff. Today, women constitute around 30 percent of the 19,800 civilian staffers working in peacekeeping missions;
Eight Special Representatives of the Secretary-General (SRSGs) and Deputy SRSGs in peace operations are women.
UN Police officers are recruited from contributions of at least 98 Member States, and women make up only nine percent of the 12,000 deployed police officers;
There are three all-female UN police units deployed: Indian in Liberia; Bangladeshi in Haiti and Samoan in Timor;
The UN Police Adviser is a woman who advises DPKO on police-related matters – Ann-Marie Orler of Sweden;
The top five Police-Contributing Counties (PCCs) and Troop-Contributing Countries (TCCs) are:
South Africa
India deployed the first all-female police unit to Liberia in 2007;
10% of all Canadian deployed police to peacekeeping are women.
I love the line above, "What could be less threatening than a group of women, some with their children in strollers, coming together to celebrate?" I can just imagine woman after woman, some pushing a stroller, some not, coming together for freedom in the face of insurmountable odds, pushing for equality and justice. Thanks for posting the transcript of this - it was very inspiring!
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