Birds and Fishes

An automobile salesman once told me the ocean and water bodies is where they dump car batteries. The plastics and pollution dumped in water may have reached the tipping point. That or toxins from pollution from unwanted chemical or the energy companies.
And I forgot manure runoff from factory farms and fracking pollution which I think are credible explanations.
So I am printing some explanations from other blogs by people who are paying attention to what is happening to the earth and other species. We are all connected. What they do to the earth and other species; they will do to us.
I think the deaths are from pollution or governmental testing of war weapons - eco weapons. Maybe testing bio-warfare weapons. They have driven the whales and dolphins mad with their ELF radar sonic positioning devices. Now they may be dumping chemical explosives or testing HAARP.
Mass Animal Deaths - Google Maps
What are other ideas — we should make a list of possibilities and shove it in the face of the “fireworks, hail, lightning” so called “experts”.
ProudMilitaryMom, on January 5, 2011 at 2:32 PM said:
And then we have the New Zealand fish kill today
Hundreds of snapper dead on beaches
One person described this as a “blanket” of dead fish.
So- we have dead birds in Arkansas, Louisiana, Ky and Sweden and dead fish in Arkansas, Chesapeake Bay and New Zealand.
I for one am not buying any bogus fireworks or cold weather or flying into wires or mass starvation. I call bullshit.
But unless somebody on the inside spills the beans we will never know.
madamab, on January 3, 2011 at 6:36 PM said:
From my link – Amy Goodman asks what happens to the pig manure from the hog farms:
AMY GOODMAN: And what happens to their manure?
DAVID KIRBY: Well, their manure is typically kept liquefied. In the Midwest, it’s kept in pits underneath where the pigs live. So they’re—when they defecate or urinate, it just goes right down into these pits, which of course creates huge amounts of ammonia and methane and hydrogen sulfide. If those fans were ever to break down, those pigs would die within minutes. That’s how bad it is.
That then gets flushed out into these giant waste lagoons, and then it’s sprayed onto fields. And usually, very often, it’s overapplied. Again, these farmers operate on the honor system. They may file a manure plan with the state, but nobody is out there regulating them.
And I’ve gone up in airplanes, both in the Midwest and in North Carolina, where the real hog factories are just crammed in one after another after another.
I’ve seen the spray fields, and I’ve seen those farmers out there spraying directly into creeks, applying so much of this brown water onto the fields that it pools up and you see the little rivlets and you see it running off into creeks, that bloom red, orange, purple and green with algae from all of the nutrients, and then that goes on to—we just saw a fish kill.
That’s the number one cause of fish kills, including in the Gulf of Mexico every summer, a fish kill the size of New Jersey forms. That’s from agricultural runoff coming down the Mississippi River.
Ding ding ding ding ding
ted, on January 5, 2011 at 9:54 PM said:
You want to know what is in the bottom of the water and also in the air? Bird feces. The birds caught the bug first and their feces fell into the water and to the bottom. This is viral. Within weeks there will be reports of a human viral outbreak.
karen for Clinton, on January 3, 2011 at 8:13 PM said:
I posted the link to the PA dumping fracking water into rivers, here it is again for anyone who didn’t see it.
Then I looked at the map of ozark and beebe. I’ve been up and down route 40 – right there and all along that area is fracking and mining operations.
They are worried about earthquakes in the area from fracking and farmers had their veggies rot from well water, etc.
The birds and the fish might not be connected but I sure as hell think there is a BP type connection to this mess. Obama loves him some oil money.
ProudMilitaryMom, on January 7, 2011 at 11:24 AM said:
Turtle doves dropping dead out of the sky in Italy-
“Thousands of turtle doves have rained down from the skies on an Italian town in the latest mass animal deaths sweeping the world.
The bodies of the birds, with a mysterious blue tinge to their beaks, crashed down on roofs of homes and cars in Faenza, near Ravenna in northern Italy. ‘
Read more:
Nothing to see here- it’s natural for birds and fish to die in the thousands all at once- bird and fish kills happen all the time- move along now.
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