The Club

NO WE WON'T RADIO: This Sunday, June 29th, at 8pm eastern, Will Bower, the Co-Founder and Spokesperson for both PUMA and Just Say No Deal will be interviewed on the show.
Eastern Time is one hour ahead of Central Time so 8 eastern is 7 central but go to the site and check because i think show time has been changed to 7 pm eastern time which would be 6 pm central
Hello Pumas!
This is the first of (not too many) emails from Puma PAC.
I just wanted to welcome you and thank you for joining. Together we WILL reunite the Democratic Party so that it again speaks for ALL Democrats in ALL 50 states!
As we grow (and we ARE growing by the hour) our initial strength will be in our membership, our numbers, not in our huge budget. It will take time to raise the sorts of money we'll need for advertising, lobbying, and other expenses necessary to achieve our goals of:
1. Changing the leadership of the Democratic National Committee 2. Reforming the primary system so that it reflects the principle of ONE VOTER, ONE VOTE 3. Supporting those Democrats who stand up for a TRUE Coalition party 4. Taking a stand against the blatant sexism in the mainstream media
For now, our activism is local and it is grassroots. Our strength is in our numbers. Help us grow. Please find five friends and family members and ask them to join Puma PAC today!
Also, please consider contributing to Puma PAC today. All of our funding for political activities comes in small donations from individual people like you. Together we CAN and we WILL get our Democratic Party back.
Thank you so much for joining Puma PAC. Please visit the website often for updates and Daily Actions.
And please feel free to email me any time with questions or concerns.
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