For the animal shall not be measured by man. In a world older and more complex than ours they move finished and complete, gifted with extensions of the senses we have lost or never attained. They are not brethren, they are not underlings; they are other nations, caught with ourselves in the net of life and time, fellow prisoners of the splendour and travail of the earth. |
To Dance Beneath the Diamond Sky with one hand waving Free
I think it is so important that all new readers see and read this: Cat Fence-In System
Always look in the Table of Contents on your right in the green column to find the post you want to read.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Saturday, November 08, 2014

Sunday, October 19, 2014
The Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF) has filed a lawsuit against the University of Wisconsin�Madison over what the group claims is lack of transparency regarding its planned testing of baby primates. Photo courtesy of the Animal Legal Defense Fund.
See More here:

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Monday, October 13, 2014

Friday, September 12, 2014

Monday, August 04, 2014

Monday, July 21, 2014

Tuesday, July 08, 2014

Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Monday, June 30, 2014
Other blogs talking about birth control and employer insurance Supreme Ct decision
And In Case We Forget This About the Hobby Lobby Case
Employer-provided health insurance is not some gift from benevolent feudal lords and ladies but *part of the worker's overall salary/wages plus benefits package. *When someone accepts an employment offer, that "someone" regards the whole compensation package as compensation. I would much prefer that health insurance be detached from employment altogether, but if that cannot be achieved we should not let ourselves be driven into a situation where *someone else* is expected to subsidize those salaries or wages because of religious scruples by the said feudal lords and ladies.
Meet Hobby Lobby, A Corporate Person with Religious Rights
Samuel Alito, a Justice in the Supreme Court of the United States handed American corporations nicely wrapped gifts this morning! One decision makes unionizing a little bit harder in the public sector. The less countervailing power workers have the better the life for the employers: Wages and benefits will stay lower and that's good for the profit motive! Another decision, the Hobby Lobby one, states that a for-profit firm is a person with religious rights, as long as it is a closely held corporation. Some ninety percent of corporations are closely held. Hobby Lobby has 23,000... more »

Women Spread the Word -- Boycott Hobby Lobby
OKLAHOMA CITY – Monday's Supreme Court ruling that the Hobby Lobby crafts store chain does not have to provide all forms of birth control marks the first time the high court has said some businesses can hold religious views under federal law, in cases where there is essentially no difference between the business and its owners. Here's a look at Hobby Lobby's owners, the Green family of Oklahoma City.
A FAMILY AFFAIR: David Green in 1972 expanded a picture frame company started two years earlier and named the new business Hobby Lobby. Green is the privately held company's chief executive officer and his son, Steve, is its president. In 1981, another son, Mart, founded the Mardel bookstore chain, which concentrates on religious material. Mardel also was a part of the lawsuit decided Monday.
Hobby Lobby and Mardel include mission statements on their corporate websites outlining a dedication to Christian principles.
Hobby Lobby says it aims to honor the Lord by following biblical principles; establish a work environment that builds character, strengthens individuals and nurtures families and provides a return on its owner's investment so he can share the Lord's blessings with its 13,000 employees. Mardel was established "for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ," quoting St. Paul's letter to the Ephesians.
No Hobby Lobby store is open on Sunday "in order to allow our employees and customers more time for worship and family."
A NATION IN DANGER: Steve Green is a driving force behind the proposed Museum of the Bible and the Green Scholars Initiative, which intend to place a Bible-based academic curriculum with the nation's public schools.
"This nation is in danger because of its ignorance of what God has taught," Steve Green told the National Bible Association last year. "There are lessons from the past that we can learn from, the dangers of ignorance of this book. We need to know it, and if we don't know it, our future is going to be very scary."
Green, a member of the Council Road Baptist Church in Bethany, Oklahoma, has succeeded in convincing the Mustang, Oklahoma, school board to offer the curriculum as an elective this fall. Course work will include how biblical principals have influenced art and academic subjects, but a draft copy of the textbook also details the consequences people face if they disobey God.
NOT ALL BIRTH CONTROL IS EQUAL: The Green family's challenge to the Affordable Care Act centered only on certain types of contraception. Its lawsuit said the family's religious beliefs "forbid them from participating in, providing access to, paying for, training others to engage in, or otherwise supporting abortion-causing drugs and devices."
In medical terms, pregnancy begins when a fertilized egg attaches itself to the wall of the uterus, but anti-abortion groups say any action taken to prevent implantation is the equivalent of an abortion. One effect of the morning-after pill is to chemically alter the uterine lining to prevent implantation; an intrauterine device blocks implantation through mechanical means.
The Green family says it has no moral objection to other contraceptives.
GC SAID: Today with other rulings the court made it clear the ruling applies to all forms of BC -- and presumably by extension to all forms of wacky religious beliefs by closely held corporations - like Muslim beliefs about burkas for instance
THE COST OF LOSING: The Green family had argued the federal health law required a choice between violating God's law or the nation's laws.
"We simply cannot abandon our religious beliefs to comply with this mandate," David Green said in 2012.
The company had calculated last summer that it would have had to pay $475 million in fines annually for failing to comply with the nation's health care law (a $100 fine per day for each of its 13,000 workers) or pay $26 million to the government if it dropped its health care plan altogether.
WINNING WORDS: "Our family is overjoyed by the Supreme Court's decision. Today the nation's highest court has re-affirmed the vital importance of religious liberty as one of our country's founding principles. The Court's decision is a victory, not just for our family business, but for all who seek to live out their faith. We are grateful to God and to those who have supported us on this difficult journey." — Barbara Green, co-founder of Hobby Lobby.
A FAMILY AFFAIR: David Green in 1972 expanded a picture frame company started two years earlier and named the new business Hobby Lobby. Green is the privately held company's chief executive officer and his son, Steve, is its president. In 1981, another son, Mart, founded the Mardel bookstore chain, which concentrates on religious material. Mardel also was a part of the lawsuit decided Monday.
Hobby Lobby and Mardel include mission statements on their corporate websites outlining a dedication to Christian principles.
Hobby Lobby says it aims to honor the Lord by following biblical principles; establish a work environment that builds character, strengthens individuals and nurtures families and provides a return on its owner's investment so he can share the Lord's blessings with its 13,000 employees. Mardel was established "for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ," quoting St. Paul's letter to the Ephesians.
No Hobby Lobby store is open on Sunday "in order to allow our employees and customers more time for worship and family."
A NATION IN DANGER: Steve Green is a driving force behind the proposed Museum of the Bible and the Green Scholars Initiative, which intend to place a Bible-based academic curriculum with the nation's public schools.
"This nation is in danger because of its ignorance of what God has taught," Steve Green told the National Bible Association last year. "There are lessons from the past that we can learn from, the dangers of ignorance of this book. We need to know it, and if we don't know it, our future is going to be very scary."
Green, a member of the Council Road Baptist Church in Bethany, Oklahoma, has succeeded in convincing the Mustang, Oklahoma, school board to offer the curriculum as an elective this fall. Course work will include how biblical principals have influenced art and academic subjects, but a draft copy of the textbook also details the consequences people face if they disobey God.
NOT ALL BIRTH CONTROL IS EQUAL: The Green family's challenge to the Affordable Care Act centered only on certain types of contraception. Its lawsuit said the family's religious beliefs "forbid them from participating in, providing access to, paying for, training others to engage in, or otherwise supporting abortion-causing drugs and devices."
In medical terms, pregnancy begins when a fertilized egg attaches itself to the wall of the uterus, but anti-abortion groups say any action taken to prevent implantation is the equivalent of an abortion. One effect of the morning-after pill is to chemically alter the uterine lining to prevent implantation; an intrauterine device blocks implantation through mechanical means.
The Green family says it has no moral objection to other contraceptives.
GC SAID: Today with other rulings the court made it clear the ruling applies to all forms of BC -- and presumably by extension to all forms of wacky religious beliefs by closely held corporations - like Muslim beliefs about burkas for instance
THE COST OF LOSING: The Green family had argued the federal health law required a choice between violating God's law or the nation's laws.
"We simply cannot abandon our religious beliefs to comply with this mandate," David Green said in 2012.
The company had calculated last summer that it would have had to pay $475 million in fines annually for failing to comply with the nation's health care law (a $100 fine per day for each of its 13,000 workers) or pay $26 million to the government if it dropped its health care plan altogether.
WINNING WORDS: "Our family is overjoyed by the Supreme Court's decision. Today the nation's highest court has re-affirmed the vital importance of religious liberty as one of our country's founding principles. The Court's decision is a victory, not just for our family business, but for all who seek to live out their faith. We are grateful to God and to those who have supported us on this difficult journey." — Barbara Green, co-founder of Hobby Lobby.

a few words on the latest travesties…
the Supremes ruled the anti abortionists can go back to killing and maiming us
in the clinics by eliminating a buffer zone around the clinics while keeping
the 100 ft buffer zone around the Supreme Court:
the court has ruled employers can deny women BC by eliminating it from coverage
by their medical insurance plans..
Moments ago, the
Supreme Court issued a ruling that will take birth control out of the hands of
women who need it. Their decision gives employers the power to deny women the
new birth control benefits of the Affordable Care Act — allowing bosses to
force their personal beliefs on employees.The Hobby Lobby decision – all those
women on the Supreme Ct – how did they vote?
This comes just days after another blow to women's health and rights. A Supreme Court ruling Thursday struck down a Massachusetts law requiring protestors to stand at least 35 feet away from health centers, giving radical anti-women's health activists a green light to stand between patients and their doctors.
This comes just days after another blow to women's health and rights. A Supreme Court ruling Thursday struck down a Massachusetts law requiring protestors to stand at least 35 feet away from health centers, giving radical anti-women's health activists a green light to stand between patients and their doctors.
warned this would happen when women refused to go to the aid of Muslim women in
Afghanistan when Bush gave us the opportunity. US women preferred to be anti-
war in support of the democrat party despite the fact that war and nation
building was exactly what Afghan women needed.
And those same women cheered on Hillary and Obama as they gutted all the
Bush/Rice programs for women’s equality in Afghanistan. They are still cheering. At that time I said,
let those slave women down now and slave status will come here to freedom land and
it has.
women organize around everything but the right to control their own bodies
which is root – fundamental - lose it
and women will lose every right they gained since the vote as the planet is destroyed,
as labor is destroyed and as justice is destroyed. Our organizations do not organize – they fundraise
and make nice with the bosses and support the Dems even as the Dims call for amnesty
so catholic immigrants can vote away women’s rights .
as the Dims set up task forces instead of outlawing Monsanto pesticides as the
bees are dying and our food becomes toxic and the savagery of the treatment of
animals is mirrored in the treatment of women.
'Honor' Killings: A New Kind of
American Tragedy by Phyllis Chesler, Breitbart
June 30, 2014
new kind of American tragedy is taking place in a Brooklyn Federal Courthouse.
Both the
defendant, standing
trial for conspiracy to commit murder abroad in Pakistan, and the
main witness against him, his daughter Amina, wept when they first saw each
other. Amina's extended family stared at her with hostility. As she testified,
Amina paused, hesitated, and sobbed. She and her father had been very close
until he decided that she had become too "Americanized."
Pakistani-American father of five, a widower, worked seven days a week driving
a cab in order to support his children; this included sending his daughter,
Amina, to Brooklyn College.
This is a
successful American immigrant story—and yet, it is also a unique and
unprecedented story as well, one which demands that Western law prevail over
murderously misogynistic tribal honor codes.
and as futher proof of the lack of global solidarity when the boys cry racism see:
"Believe it or not: Someone—bless whoever it was—actually tried to pass a Resolution against “Culturally Oppressive Laws Against Women and Girls.” All the resolution called for was a public education campaign. However, it specifically singled out Sharia law and listed the human and women’s rights violations performed in its name: forced veiling, forced child marriage, normalized beating, honor killing, purdah, stoning to death, hanging, and flogging for non-compliant women.
Please listen to the language of NOW’s resolution: “Whereas, one of NOW’s official priorities is to eliminate violence against women…we urge NOW members to educate law enforcement, educators, medical professionals, and community leaders to the danger of Sharia law.”
This resolution was defeated; actually, like the surrogacy resolution, it was tabled for further discussion."
Here is what Betsy Seeton said on FaceBook about
Obama’s BS Bee taskforce:
Betsy Seeton shared a link: "White House
Launches Plan To Save The Bees": "From my listserve:
"Here is an article done by Maryam Henein 2 days ago. Maryam has been on the neoinics issues almost from the beginning. Her video The Vanishing of the Bees started with filming here in Boulder in the summer of 2007.
And here we are, 7 years later and what has been accomplished? It is as if Obama had suddenly discovered an epidemic of home invasions and decided to put a crew of burglars in charge of a task force to investigate. I don't expect Obama to know everything about everything; he is being ill served by his aides.
While there may be many good people in the EPA and the USDA the management ineptitude and outright corruption is outstanding, they have shown themselves to be part of the problem not part of the solution and putting them in charge of a task force is likely to bring little more than $50 million dollars more of CYA on top of the runaround we have been getting for the past decade or more.""
"Here is an article done by Maryam Henein 2 days ago. Maryam has been on the neoinics issues almost from the beginning. Her video The Vanishing of the Bees started with filming here in Boulder in the summer of 2007.
And here we are, 7 years later and what has been accomplished? It is as if Obama had suddenly discovered an epidemic of home invasions and decided to put a crew of burglars in charge of a task force to investigate. I don't expect Obama to know everything about everything; he is being ill served by his aides.
While there may be many good people in the EPA and the USDA the management ineptitude and outright corruption is outstanding, they have shown themselves to be part of the problem not part of the solution and putting them in charge of a task force is likely to bring little more than $50 million dollars more of CYA on top of the runaround we have been getting for the past decade or more.""
Again Betsy Seeton shared a link: "Risking
Another Silent Spring": "FROM MY LISTSERVE ON BEES:
" While this New York Times editorial goes a long way toward recognizing the severity of the crisis and its multiple manifestations, things the researchers have been saying for years that have been ignored, it still fails in the responsibility of The Fourth Estate to do some actual investigative reporting and dig beneath the surface.
This crisis has been brought on not only because of the introduction of a new, inadequately tested family of pesticides, but because regulators have been corrupted and have failed to protect either the American people or the environment. Over the past 12 years the EPA's decisions have been incompetent, corrupt, and in far too many instances represented outright disregard for and violations of the law.
All of this conduct has gone on without a word of
sanction or correction from EPA management and congress has failed in its
responsibility to oversee the EPA and assure that they actually protect.
Obama has put the foxes in charge of the chicken coop and in180 days we will have a call for more research, more study, more meetings of "the stakeholders" and another task force to review the findings of the first.
Obama has put the foxes in charge of the chicken coop and in180 days we will have a call for more research, more study, more meetings of "the stakeholders" and another task force to review the findings of the first.
As Vallianatos
documents so clearly in Poison Spring, this is organized crime and it began
almost at the inception of the EPA and has grown enormously over time. There
needs to be an independent audit of the EPA's conduct, firing of those EPA
managers who have contributed (and still contribute) to the failures, and
prosecution of those who have been a party to premeditated violations of the
law. Obama and his aides are either deluded or are in on the con." ~~Tom
radical must be done but why doesn’t it happen? There are elements in the left
and right that might be combined. We need an Eco-Feminist party where women of
every species and nation are supported BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY. A party where BC and abortion is a right and
a sacred duty to the planet. A party that sees across species lines and sees
rape and exploitation where ever men exploit the female in nature. A party that supports the second amendment
and the right to self defense. A party
that resists immigration as the answer to global exploitation and uses foreign
aid to increase the living standards of every nation. A party that passes the International Violence Against Women's Act which ties foreign aid to progress in women's rights and individual freedoms. A party that can recognize the difference between
public and private unions in their effect on the well being of the working
class - protecting one with civil service and the other with Unions.
Most of
all we need constitutional amendments to open up the system to third parties
and close it down to big money. Ralph Nader can work as a consultant he knows what is needed. Planned
Parenthood and other women’s rights orgs have to move away from reliance on
Dems (this year Obama; next year Hillary and the new boss will be just like the
old boss, timid and ineffectual, pandering to Wall Street).
We need to build a people’s republic and a political party with eco feminist politics - not a left wing party but a party that asks only what is good for the female in every species bringing her to the ultimate in personal liberty and a good quality of life. The rising of the female in every species is the rising of the planet.

Thursday, June 26, 2014
Supreme Courts subjects women to attack for exercise of reproductive rights while keeping protection for their own lives
By Jan Erickson, Director of NOW Foundation Programs
In 1994 in Brookline, Massachusetts, a gunman opened fire at two abortion clinics, killing two receptionists and wounding at least five other people. In March of 1993, Dr. David Gunn was murdered outside an abortion clinic in Pensacola, Florida. In 1991, a women's health clinic receptionist was shot and paralyzed from the waist down.
According to the Feminist Majority Foundation, since 1991, at least ten people - 5 doctors, 2 receptionists, an escort and a security guard -- have been murdered and 17 people wounded, including 8 doctors. On May 31, 2009, Dr. George Tiller was murdered at his church in Wichita, Kansas.
Anyone who claims that anti-abortion zealots are only engaging in "speech" are either sadly misinformed or deliberately misstating the facts.
The U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday heard arguments in McCullen v. Coakley (Docket No. 12-1168) challenging a 2007 Massachusetts law that makes it a crime for speakers to enter or remain on a public way or sidewalk within 35 feet of an entrance, exit, or driveway of a reproductive health care facility.
The law applies only at abortion clinics and exempts patients, clinic employees or agents acting within the scope of their employment and was adopted as a result of decades of harassment, obstruction and violent acts including two murders at clinics by abortion opponents in Massachusetts.
Thirty Years of Violence - Briefs submitted by the Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts (PPLM), Planned Parenthood Federation of America, the National Abortion Federation and 31 other organizations, including NOW Foundation, detail thirty years of harassment, intimidation and obstruction directed at patients, clinic staff and volunteers at Boston, Worcester and Springfield facilities.
Blockades and invasions of facilities were conducted by Operation Rescue, an extremist group determined to stop abortions, despite a permanent injunction and the arrests of hundreds of protesters. In 1991, John Salvi shot and killed a Brookline PPLM employee, 25 year old Shannon Lowney, an employee of another abortion provider, and injured five other persons.
Terrorism towards a Goal - There can be no other way to describe in a single word what antiabortion protesters have engaged in for four decades and that is terrorism. Their goals were - and remain to this day - to terrorize health care providers, women who seek reproductive health care services and their allies to achieve their ideological and political goals.
To that end, tens of millions of dollars have been raised from Catholic men's organizations, right wing billionaires and extremist antiabortion organizations. McCullen v. Coakley is just one in a long and continuing line of legal challenges that abortion rights opponents hope that one day will lead a more conservative U.S. Supreme Court to undo Roe v. Wade.
Close observers of the Supreme Court believe that this case, among many important cases before the Court this term, speculate that the precedent established in Hill v. Colorado ((98-1856) 530 U.S. U.S. 703) may well be overturned.
If that happens, other states' buffer zone laws and, in fact, the 1994 landmark Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) federal law are at risk.
Buffer Zones Enhance Safety - A 2013 survey conducted by the National Abortion Federation of their U.S. membership found that 51 percent of the facilities with buffer zones reported a decrease in criminal activity near the facility after the buffer zone was in place, and 75 percent of the responding facilities with buffer zones said that the zones improved patient and staff access.
At the same time, 90 percent of the facilities report that they are concerned about the safety of their patients and employees in the areas approaching the facility and over 80 percent have called law enforcement because of safety, access or criminal activity concerns.
Prior to the FACE Act nearly 10,000 incidents had been reported since 1977, including five murders, 585 acts of vandalism, 547 invasions, 124 arsons. Since 1994, the number of incidents has declined dramatically, especially murders, attempted murders and death threats, but vandalism, trespassing, burglaries, stalking, hate mail and harassing calls and picketing remain problematic.
The National Abortion Federation which conducts the survey of incidents in the U.S. and Canada notes that the actual incident numbers are likely much higher.
FACE Also Promotes Clinic Safety - As most advocates for women's reproductive rights know, FACE has been very effective in reducing harassment, violent confrontation, vandalism, arson, murder and other criminal activities aimed at clinics, health care providers, patients and volunteers. The federal law makes it illegal to intentionally commit a range of violent, obstructive and threatening activities toward reproductive health care providers and their patients.
FACE also punishes anyone who intentionally damages or destroys a facility that provides reproductive health care services.
Only the federal government can file criminal charges under FACE, but civil causes of action can be brought by federal and state governments and/or any person or facility that has been the victim of a prohibited action under FACE.
FACE does not specify buffer zones rather those have been adopted by various states and some local governments.
NOW Foundation president O'Neill says, "We know what the antiabortion protesters in McCullen want - they want to be able to grab patients, get in their faces, scream at them that they are immoral, and that having an abortion is a mortal sin and a risk to their health, among other falsehoods.
These individuals are maniacal in their determination to stop abortion and will not respect the privacy and safety of patients, clinic personnel and volunteers.
Further Information at:
American Bar Association website links to case documents
In 1994 in Brookline, Massachusetts, a gunman opened fire at two abortion clinics, killing two receptionists and wounding at least five other people. In March of 1993, Dr. David Gunn was murdered outside an abortion clinic in Pensacola, Florida. In 1991, a women's health clinic receptionist was shot and paralyzed from the waist down.
According to the Feminist Majority Foundation, since 1991, at least ten people - 5 doctors, 2 receptionists, an escort and a security guard -- have been murdered and 17 people wounded, including 8 doctors. On May 31, 2009, Dr. George Tiller was murdered at his church in Wichita, Kansas.
Anyone who claims that anti-abortion zealots are only engaging in "speech" are either sadly misinformed or deliberately misstating the facts.
The U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday heard arguments in McCullen v. Coakley (Docket No. 12-1168) challenging a 2007 Massachusetts law that makes it a crime for speakers to enter or remain on a public way or sidewalk within 35 feet of an entrance, exit, or driveway of a reproductive health care facility.
The law applies only at abortion clinics and exempts patients, clinic employees or agents acting within the scope of their employment and was adopted as a result of decades of harassment, obstruction and violent acts including two murders at clinics by abortion opponents in Massachusetts.
Thirty Years of Violence - Briefs submitted by the Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts (PPLM), Planned Parenthood Federation of America, the National Abortion Federation and 31 other organizations, including NOW Foundation, detail thirty years of harassment, intimidation and obstruction directed at patients, clinic staff and volunteers at Boston, Worcester and Springfield facilities.
Blockades and invasions of facilities were conducted by Operation Rescue, an extremist group determined to stop abortions, despite a permanent injunction and the arrests of hundreds of protesters. In 1991, John Salvi shot and killed a Brookline PPLM employee, 25 year old Shannon Lowney, an employee of another abortion provider, and injured five other persons.
Terrorism towards a Goal - There can be no other way to describe in a single word what antiabortion protesters have engaged in for four decades and that is terrorism. Their goals were - and remain to this day - to terrorize health care providers, women who seek reproductive health care services and their allies to achieve their ideological and political goals.
To that end, tens of millions of dollars have been raised from Catholic men's organizations, right wing billionaires and extremist antiabortion organizations. McCullen v. Coakley is just one in a long and continuing line of legal challenges that abortion rights opponents hope that one day will lead a more conservative U.S. Supreme Court to undo Roe v. Wade.
Close observers of the Supreme Court believe that this case, among many important cases before the Court this term, speculate that the precedent established in Hill v. Colorado ((98-1856) 530 U.S. U.S. 703) may well be overturned.
If that happens, other states' buffer zone laws and, in fact, the 1994 landmark Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) federal law are at risk.
Buffer Zones Enhance Safety - A 2013 survey conducted by the National Abortion Federation of their U.S. membership found that 51 percent of the facilities with buffer zones reported a decrease in criminal activity near the facility after the buffer zone was in place, and 75 percent of the responding facilities with buffer zones said that the zones improved patient and staff access.
At the same time, 90 percent of the facilities report that they are concerned about the safety of their patients and employees in the areas approaching the facility and over 80 percent have called law enforcement because of safety, access or criminal activity concerns.
Prior to the FACE Act nearly 10,000 incidents had been reported since 1977, including five murders, 585 acts of vandalism, 547 invasions, 124 arsons. Since 1994, the number of incidents has declined dramatically, especially murders, attempted murders and death threats, but vandalism, trespassing, burglaries, stalking, hate mail and harassing calls and picketing remain problematic.
The National Abortion Federation which conducts the survey of incidents in the U.S. and Canada notes that the actual incident numbers are likely much higher.
FACE Also Promotes Clinic Safety - As most advocates for women's reproductive rights know, FACE has been very effective in reducing harassment, violent confrontation, vandalism, arson, murder and other criminal activities aimed at clinics, health care providers, patients and volunteers. The federal law makes it illegal to intentionally commit a range of violent, obstructive and threatening activities toward reproductive health care providers and their patients.
FACE also punishes anyone who intentionally damages or destroys a facility that provides reproductive health care services.
Only the federal government can file criminal charges under FACE, but civil causes of action can be brought by federal and state governments and/or any person or facility that has been the victim of a prohibited action under FACE.
FACE does not specify buffer zones rather those have been adopted by various states and some local governments.
NOW Foundation president O'Neill says, "We know what the antiabortion protesters in McCullen want - they want to be able to grab patients, get in their faces, scream at them that they are immoral, and that having an abortion is a mortal sin and a risk to their health, among other falsehoods.
These individuals are maniacal in their determination to stop abortion and will not respect the privacy and safety of patients, clinic personnel and volunteers.
Abortion clinics are not the only places with buffer zones. A protective 100-foot buffer zone surrounds the Supreme Court building.
GC said: RIGHT NOW EVERY NON PROFIT, UNION, ANIMAL RIGHTS, ENVIROMENTAL, OCCUPY GROUP AND ORGANIZATION should challenge every buffer zone forced on them by the police at picketing events and the very first challenge should be to the Supreme Court buffer zone.MUCH MORE AT THE LINK - PLEASE GO AND READ IT
Further Information at:
American Bar Association website links to case documents

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Tuesday, June 17, 2014
WHILE most of the article repeated everything we know in a very long winded way, I thought the conclusions were interesting. The question is which type of non profit and co-operative projects are viable during these times.
"Here’s my last big take-away message for would-be social changers: only ideas, demonstration projects and policy proposals that fit our emerging infrastructure will have genuine usefulness or staying power. How can you know if your idea fits the emerging infrastructure?
There’s no hard and fast rule, but your idea stands a good chance if it assumes we are moving toward a societal regime with less energy and less transport (and that is therefore more localized); if it can work in a world where climate is changing and weather conditions are extreme and unpredictable; if it provides a way to sequester carbon rather than releasing more into the atmosphere; and if it helps people meet their basic needs during hard times.
It’s fairly easy to identify elements of our society’s existing structure and superstructure that won’t work with the infrastructure toward which we appear to be headed. Consumerism and corporatism are two big ones; these were twentieth century adaptations to cheap, abundant energy. They justifiably have been the objects of a great deal of activist opposition in recent decades.
There were reforms or alternatives to consumerism and corporatism that could have worked within our industrial infrastructure regime (or that did work in some places, not others): European-style industrial socialism is the primary example, though that might be thought of as a magnetic hub for a host of idealistic proposals championed by thousands, maybe even millions of would-be world-changers.
But industrial socialism is arguably just as thoroughly dependent on fossil-fueled infrastructure as corporatism and consumerism. To the extent that it is, activists who are married to an industrial-socialist vision of an ideal world may be wasting many of their efforts needlessly.
Historic examples offer useful ways of grounding social proposals. In the current context, it is important to remember that almost all of human history took place in a pre-industrial, “pre-progress” context, so it should be fairly easy to differentiate desirable from undesirable societal adaptations to analogous challenges in past eras.
For example, anarchist philosopher and evolutionary biologist Peter Kropotkin, in his book Mutual Aid, praised medieval European cities as sites of autonomy and creativity—though the period during which they flourished is often thought of as a “dark age.”
There are plenty of activist projects underway now that appear thoroughly aligned with the post-fossil fuel infrastructure toward which we are headed, including Permaculture cooperatives, ecovillages, local food campaigns, and Transition Initiatives.
Relevant new economic trends include the collaborative economy, the sharing economy, collaborative consumption, distributed production, P2P finance and the open source and open knowledge movements. While some of the latter merely constitute new business models that appear to spring from web-based technologies and social media, their attractiveness may partly derive from a broadly shared cultural sense that the centralized systems of production and consumption characteristic of the twentieth century are simply no longer viable, and must give way to more horizontal, distributed networks.
The list of existing ideas and projects that could help society adapt in a post-fossil fuel era is long. Plenty of people have sensed the direction of global change and come to their own sensible conclusions about what to do, without any awareness of Harris’s cultural materialism. But such awareness could help at the margins by reducing wasted effort.
Do you want to change the world? More power to you. Start by identifying your core values—fairness, peace, stability, beauty, resilience, whatever. That’s up to you.
Figure out what ideas, projects, proposals or policies further those values, but also fit with the infrastructure that’s almost certainly headed our way. Then get to work. There’s plenty to do, and lots at stake."

Monday, June 16, 2014
Vegan Parmesan Cheese ingredients:
- 1/2 cup toasted sesame seeds
- 2 tablespoons nutritional yeast
- 1/4 teaspoon sea salt
Vegan Almond “Parmesan” soy-free and
gluten-free* Makes about 3/4 cup
1/2 cup slivered almonds (the ones without the skins)
1/4 cup nutritional yeast
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
a small amount of olive oil, optional
1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon salt, to taste
I use my small food processor to make this. I think it holds 3 cups. Put the almonds, yeast, and garlic powder in the food processor. Pulse until it looks like a grain. I add a drizzle of olive oil and processor more until the granules became very small (note: pic is zoomed in).Taste, add salt, blend – repeat until it’s just the way you like it. I like to make mine very salty because I use the mixture instead of salt in recipes.Honestly, you want it to look like that Parmesan grated topping you used as a kid. Store any leftovers in the fridge.
PARMESAN 1 cup walnuts 1 cup nutritional yeast 1 teaspoon sea salt... Throw all
ingredients in a blender and process
cup cashew nuts, soaked for 4 hours - stir - get out crud
juice of 1/5 lime
cup water
till smooth
CREAM: Jessica Schlueter said: I totally improvise it these days, after
initially making it from a recipe from Tal Ronnen's "The Conscious
Basically, I soak raw cashews anywhere from 2-8 hours, then blend those drained cashews with water in the Vitamix. Honestly though, sometimes I don't even soak the cashews and it turns out fine.
Start by adding enough water to just cover the cashews, but if that's too thick, you can add more water and reblend.
Here's the original guide:, after time you'll start to adapt it to your own recipes/desires
Basically, I soak raw cashews anywhere from 2-8 hours, then blend those drained cashews with water in the Vitamix. Honestly though, sometimes I don't even soak the cashews and it turns out fine.
Start by adding enough water to just cover the cashews, but if that's too thick, you can add more water and reblend.
Here's the original guide:, after time you'll start to adapt it to your own recipes/desires
garlic cloves
1 cup
loosely packed fresh basi1/4 cup roasted tomatoes
1 cup raw cashews, soaked in water for at least 1 hour
2 tbsp fresh lemon juice
3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
2 tbsp water
1 tbsp nutritional yeast
1/4 tsp fine grain sea salt, or to taste
EASY VEGAN PARMESAN 1 cup walnuts 1 cup nutritional yeast 1 teaspoon sea salt... Throw all ingredients in a blender and process
Brazil Nut Parmezan gluten-free, soy-free, oil-free Link to share/print
There are many versions of vegan Parmesans available, and in fairness, none of them are really like dairy Parmesan. But, we don’t need them to be! What we want is a tangy, salty, rich-tasting sprinkle that we can use for topping salads, pastas, pizza, and more. This topping delivers!
1½ cups brazil nuts (see notes)
½ tsp (little scant) sea salt
1 ½ tbsp nutritional yeast
1 tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice
Preheat the oven to 275°F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
Process the brazil nuts in a food processor or blender until fine and crumbly. Don’t overprocess, or they will begin to heat and become pasty. Just pulse until finely crumbled.
Spread on the prepared pan. Toss in the salt, nutritional yeast, and lemon juice.
Use your fingers to work these ingredients through the crumbled nuts.
Place in the oven and bake for 35 to 40 minutes, being sure to toss three or four times through the baking process (and check during last minutes of baking; the mixture should become dry and maybe a touch golden around the edges, but should not brown).
Remove from the oven, let cool, and transfer to a container to refrigerate. Makes about 2 cups.
If This Apron Could Talk: If you cannot eat brazil nuts, I would substitute 1 1/2 cups raw almonds. You could also try about 1 1/4 cup of almonds along with 1/4 cup of pine nuts. After trying this for the first time, you might want to double your batch the next time round. It can disappear quickly! It’s one of my husband’s favorites; in fact, he keeps saying, “You should bottle this up and sell it”!
Kid-Friendly: Your little ones might love this just the way it is, but you can try bumping up the nooch another tablespoon to make it a little more cheesy. Also see Cheesy Sprinkle (recipe follows) for a cheesier-tasting topping.
Serving Suggestions: Any tomato-based pasta sauce will welcome this seasoning, as will a very modestly dressed pasta, such as one with olive oil and lemon juice. This topping works wonders on salads, and adds crunch and depth to cooked rice and other grains, as well as simple bean preparations.
Cheesy Sprinkle gluten-free, soy-free, oil-free
This topping, affectionately called Cheesy Sprinkle in our house, will be a favorite for kids big and small. Try it on salads, tossed into pasta, sprinkled on rice and beans, worked into sandwich mixtures, as a pizza topping, or eaten off a spoon (yeah, I’ve done it before)!
1/2 cup nutritional yeast
1/4 cup raw almonds (see note)
1/4 cup raw cashews (or more raw almonds)
1/2 tsp (scant) sea salt (about ¼ + 1/8 tsp)
1/4 tsp lemon zest (optional)
Put all the ingredients into a standing blender and pulse until very fine and crumbly. Don’t overprocess, just pulse several times. That’s it! Store in the refrigerator until ready to use. Makes about 1 scant cup
Adult-Minded: Try adding 1⁄8 teaspoon of onion or garlic powder.
Kid-Friendly: I make this often for our kiddos, and make it quick and simple using just the nooch, nuts, and salt. You may enjoy added flavor depth from the zest, but it’s not essential.
Savvy Subs and Adds: To make this mixtre nut free, substitute the almonds and cashews with: 3 tbsp hemp seeds, 1 tbsp chia seeds (preferably white chia), and 1 tbsp pumpkin seeds (or sesame or sunflower). Voila!
Cashew Parmesan (Vegan, Paleo) makes about 3/4 cup
1 cup raw cashews
1/4 cup nutritional yeast
1 teaspoon salt
In a small food processor, combine all of the ingredients and process until a crumbly, uniform texture is created.
Feel free to adjust the flavor to your taste, then serve over your favorite dish. Store in a sealed container in the fridge for up to a month.
Parmezano Sprinkles: (from the Ultimate Uncheese Cookbook)
1/2 C blanched almonds
2 Tbs nutritional yeast flakes
-2 tsp light miso
Heaping 1/4 tsp salt
To make the Parmezano Sprinkles (which I recommend making ahead of time) combine all of the ingredients in a food processor and process until you have little crumbles . . . then refrigerate

INGREDIENTS: (for crust)
1 cup walnuts
1 cup dates
INGREDIENTS: (for filling)
6 cups sugar pumpkin (cubed and deseeded)
2 cups cashews (soaked for 2-3 hours)
1/3 cup lemon juice
1/3 cup agave syrup
1/2 cup coconut oil
1/2 teaspoon Himalayan salt
INGREDIENTS: (for topping)
1 cup strawberries
1/2 cup blueberries
1/2 teaspoon Himalayan salt
2 teaspoons agave syrup
For the crust, put the walnuts in a mixer and pulse until they become crumbs, then add the dates and pulse together until everything is chopped and mixed evenly.. Pour this sticky mix into your pan, and press onto bottom (and sides if you want) until there you’ve created a thick and solid layer of crust.. Place in fridge until you filling is ready..
The filling is quite easy.. Blend all ingredients until you get a smooth mix.. Strain well from any juice (so the crust doesn’t become soggy) before pouring on top of your crust spreading evenly, then place in fridge for 24 hours..
For the topping you can either melt some chocolate, or use your favourite syrup.. I chose to make a thin strawberry sauce, by blending a bunch of fresh strawberries with some agave syrup and a little Himalayan salt, leaving a handful of blueberries to throw on top for extra taste and decoration..

INGREDIENTS: (for cake)
2 cups raw carrots, grated and squeezed very well through a cloth to remove as much excess moisture as possible
1 cup walnuts
1 cup dates, pitted
3/4 cup raisins
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ginger
pinch of nutmeg
pinch of Himalayan salt
INGREDIENTS: (for frosting)
1 cup cashews, soaked for at least 1 hour
1/3 cup agave syrup
1 teaspoon lemon juice
pinch of Himalayan salt
INGREDIENTS: (for the cherry on top)
a cherry, of course
First, process the walnuts and the dates until crumbly, then add the carrots and the spices and process until smooth.. Add the raisins and give it one last spin until everything is evenly combined.
Press into your cup moulds, and place in refrigerator until you’re done with the frosting.
For the frosting, put cashews, agave, salt and lemon in your processor, and while mixing, add the water little by little until you reach the right consistency.. Just make sure (!!!) not to add too much water or else your frosting will end up runny.
Take the cakes out of the moulds, decorate with the frosting, then refrigerate for about one hour.
2 cups raw carrots, grated and squeezed very well through a cloth to remove as much excess moisture as possible
1 cup walnuts
1 cup dates, pitted
3/4 cup raisins
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ginger
pinch of nutmeg
pinch of Himalayan salt
INGREDIENTS: (for frosting)
1 cup cashews, soaked for at least 1 hour
1/3 cup agave syrup
1 teaspoon lemon juice
pinch of Himalayan salt
INGREDIENTS: (for the cherry on top)
a cherry, of course
First, process the walnuts and the dates until crumbly, then add the carrots and the spices and process until smooth.. Add the raisins and give it one last spin until everything is evenly combined.
Press into your cup moulds, and place in refrigerator until you’re done with the frosting.
For the frosting, put cashews, agave, salt and lemon in your processor, and while mixing, add the water little by little until you reach the right consistency.. Just make sure (!!!) not to add too much water or else your frosting will end up runny.
Take the cakes out of the moulds, decorate with the frosting, then refrigerate for about one hour.

1 cup almonds
1/2 cup dates
1/4 cup goji berries
2 tablespoons coconut oil
2 tablespoons agave syrup
1 tablespoon peanut butter (unsweetened)
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/3 teaspoon Himalayan salt
INGREDIENTS: (filling)
3 medium bananas
1/4 coconut oil
2 tablespoons peanut butter (unsweetened)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/3 Himalayan salt
INGREDIENTS: (topping)
2 tablespoons chocolate chips (unsweetened)
1/2 tablespoon coconut oil
First, let's make the base.. Throw the almonds into blender and process until they turn to crumbs, then add the rest of ingredients and pulse until everything is evenly crushed, and sticky.
Place this mixture in a spring form pan (or other) and push with your hands spreading it evenly around the base of your pan, and place in the freezer until you get the filling ready.
Again using the food processor, place all ingredients and pulse until the mixture is smooth, pouring onto the base, spreading evenly, and placing back in the freezer for about an hour or until the mixture is hard enough to pour the hot chocolate on top..
Finally, melt the chocolate chips with the coconut oil, and pour onto the cake.. Because the dark chocolate goes very hard when it dries, make sure to cut the cake as soon as you’re done with the topping.
Now all that’s left, is to find out why we called this cake “Gone Bananas”..!!

Saturday, June 14, 2014
Tracey Dunn Williamson said:
Love them, I just dip in flax milk, lay in a corn meal, flour mix and fry.....
salt and pepper , so good !
Fried Green Tomatoes - from
the Baker's Creek Restaurant
I package Mori Nu silken
tofu, firm
2-3 tablespoons water
Crumble tofu adding water
slowly into blender until mixture becomes creamy. Pour batter into pie plate
and set aside.
1 cup Panko (bread crumbs)
1/2 cup cornmeal
1 tablespoon garlic powder
1 tablespoon turmeric
1/2 teaspoon cayenne
1 tablespoon onion powder
2 tablespoons nutritional
yeast flakes
1/2 teaspoon salt
Parsley Flakes
White Flour
Slice tomatoes 1/4th inch
Dip both sides into flour to
absorb moisture of tomato.
Dip tomato in batter and then
in bread crumb mixture. Be sure to pat bread crumbs into tomato so they firmly
We prefer to use cast iron
INGREDIENTS - For the Red Pepper Aioli
Make the aioli first so it has time to chill in the refrigerator.
½ cup Vegan mayonnaise
¼ cup Vegan sour cream
½ cup roasted red peppers
2 tsp. dried basil
Salt and pepper to taste
For the Fried Green Tomatoes
5-6 green tomatoes
Salt and black pepper to taste
½ cup fine cornmeal
½ cup chickpea flour
½ cup almond milk
1 ½ tsp. vinegar
1 Tbs. ground flaxseed + 3 Tbs. water
1 Tbs. Cajun seasoning
2-3 Tbs. vegetable oil for frying
INGREDIENTS - For the Red Pepper Aioli
Make the aioli first so it has time to chill in the refrigerator.
½ cup Vegan mayonnaise
¼ cup Vegan sour cream
½ cup roasted red peppers
2 tsp. dried basil
Salt and pepper to taste
For the Fried Green Tomatoes
5-6 green tomatoes
Salt and black pepper to taste
½ cup fine cornmeal
½ cup chickpea flour
½ cup almond milk
1 ½ tsp. vinegar
1 Tbs. ground flaxseed + 3 Tbs. water
1 Tbs. Cajun seasoning
2-3 Tbs. vegetable oil for frying
PREPARATION For the Red Pepper Aioli
Add all ingredients to a food processor or blender and mix until smooth. Refrigerate until ready to use.
For the Fried Green Tomatoes
Cut the tomatoes into ½ inch slices. Season with salt and pepper and let sit for a few minutes while you prepare the other ingredients.
In a shallow bowl, add vinegar to the almond milk and let sit for a few minutes. This creates “buttermilk.”
Add water to the ground flaxseed and mix into a loose paste. This will be your binder (and your Omega-3’s). Add this to the buttermilk.
Heat the oil in a large pan or skillet.
Combine the cornmeal, the flour and the seasoning in a shallow bowl or on a plate.
Dip the tomato slices into the buttermilk/flaxseed mixture and shake off the excess. Dredge the tomato in the flour/cornmeal mixture until it is well covered. Shake off the excess.
Fry until golden brown on both sides. It should take about 3 minutes on each side.
When you remove the tomatoes from the oil, place them on a plate lined with towel paper. Sprinkle a bit of kosher salt on them and then move them to a cooling rack so they stay crispy. Serve immediately with dipping sauce.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Thursday, June 12, 2014
Welcome Home
Hello I am back!!! It will take me a while to remember how to use everything here but I will post my thoughts here again.
Face Book made the unilateral decision that I must have a commercial page instead of an individual timeline. Green Consciousness sounds like a business to them which says everything about the people who work for Face Book.
FB has no appeal process for users. They simply block your log in unless you convert to a commercial page. I will not convert to a commercial page so I will be writing here again instead of on Face Book. My friends on Facebook have a group called Operation Green to bring back my page. I will bring the link here in case you want to join this group but I am not sure how you do that.
Also since the place is filled with trolls who may report me with lies to silence me and/or FB may have workers who exercise their own prejudices, the same thing may happen to my FB timeline over and over. I saw this happen to an animal rights friend. The FB community help pages are filled with animal rights people bewildered that this has happened to them.
Zuckerberg is leading the fight to weaken USA immigration laws and has many would be immigrants working for him. I believe the factory farming/slaughterhouse/toxic fields industry complex will collapse without immigrant labor and I want that collapse. I also believe the economic interests working class are adversely affected by immigrant labor. Only the bosses and the churches profit from weakened immigration laws.
I push to use foreign aid to help reform the systems affecting people in their home countries, want those countries to pay for the resources used by illegals in this country (so they cannot just keep on using immigration to the the USA to avoid facing the needs of their people and their security issues) and want the IVAWA passed which ties all foreign aid to progress in gender equality. I mean I want a shift in the use of aid for military purposes to human rights purposes. This is how I want to help the people who see immigration as their only option for survival. I want to hold their oligarchies responsible.
Also it is time we tax anti abortion churches who preach irresponsibility, never having to use their resources for overpopulations and who get rich off overpopulations. Their hospitals do not treat immigrants for free but they preach that the USA should - their schools do not educate immigrants for free but they say the USA should. There is absolutely no accountability in the anti abortion crowd to the earth, to other species or to this country's working class tax payers.
I want the Hyde amendment defeated and abortion and birth control a part of every foreign aid package. Resources are limited and population must be decreased or soon there will be no where to immigrate and the other species will all be wiped out by idiots who believe that every woman should be a breeder cow to be exploited by the religions and bosses of the world.
So I am controversial. Who knows if I am being censored or am just the victim of some trolls who reported me to silence me.
My page disappeared as I was defending Nathan Winograd who founded the no kill shelter movement against some Humane Society trolls who see him as a great threat to their beloved do no wrong Humane Society. I was fighting with three anti-Winograd trolls Monica Moles Webb , Bianca Beadling (probably a false name) and Jonathan Gilbert. They suddenly swarmed my page and I just wanted them and their insulting lies gone. I googled their names and they get into this same fight on many timelines so they may work for the HS. But they could not win the argument, were getting kicked off my discussion, and so used FB's fascism to silence me - maybe - who knows - it is suspicious but then when there is no transparency everything is suspicious. And there is no transparency by appeal on FB.
I wrote the Face Book Board in one last attempt to get my timeline, notes and friends restored but I am not holding my breath. There is a wonderful petition I urge you to sign demanding rights for FB users here:
My friend Jude made banners that I love for Operation Green and I will bring them here soon. And what I write here I will transfer to my Pinterest Pages - "boards" as they are called.
Most importantly --my friends can always reach me now by commenting on my posts. They can tell me what is going on in their lives in comments if I do not have their email addresses.
So this is my Welcome Home picture and life goes on.
Face Book made the unilateral decision that I must have a commercial page instead of an individual timeline. Green Consciousness sounds like a business to them which says everything about the people who work for Face Book.
FB has no appeal process for users. They simply block your log in unless you convert to a commercial page. I will not convert to a commercial page so I will be writing here again instead of on Face Book. My friends on Facebook have a group called Operation Green to bring back my page. I will bring the link here in case you want to join this group but I am not sure how you do that.
Also since the place is filled with trolls who may report me with lies to silence me and/or FB may have workers who exercise their own prejudices, the same thing may happen to my FB timeline over and over. I saw this happen to an animal rights friend. The FB community help pages are filled with animal rights people bewildered that this has happened to them.
Zuckerberg is leading the fight to weaken USA immigration laws and has many would be immigrants working for him. I believe the factory farming/slaughterhouse/toxic fields industry complex will collapse without immigrant labor and I want that collapse. I also believe the economic interests working class are adversely affected by immigrant labor. Only the bosses and the churches profit from weakened immigration laws.
I push to use foreign aid to help reform the systems affecting people in their home countries, want those countries to pay for the resources used by illegals in this country (so they cannot just keep on using immigration to the the USA to avoid facing the needs of their people and their security issues) and want the IVAWA passed which ties all foreign aid to progress in gender equality. I mean I want a shift in the use of aid for military purposes to human rights purposes. This is how I want to help the people who see immigration as their only option for survival. I want to hold their oligarchies responsible.
Also it is time we tax anti abortion churches who preach irresponsibility, never having to use their resources for overpopulations and who get rich off overpopulations. Their hospitals do not treat immigrants for free but they preach that the USA should - their schools do not educate immigrants for free but they say the USA should. There is absolutely no accountability in the anti abortion crowd to the earth, to other species or to this country's working class tax payers.
I want the Hyde amendment defeated and abortion and birth control a part of every foreign aid package. Resources are limited and population must be decreased or soon there will be no where to immigrate and the other species will all be wiped out by idiots who believe that every woman should be a breeder cow to be exploited by the religions and bosses of the world.
So I am controversial. Who knows if I am being censored or am just the victim of some trolls who reported me to silence me.
My page disappeared as I was defending Nathan Winograd who founded the no kill shelter movement against some Humane Society trolls who see him as a great threat to their beloved do no wrong Humane Society. I was fighting with three anti-Winograd trolls Monica Moles Webb , Bianca Beadling (probably a false name) and Jonathan Gilbert. They suddenly swarmed my page and I just wanted them and their insulting lies gone. I googled their names and they get into this same fight on many timelines so they may work for the HS. But they could not win the argument, were getting kicked off my discussion, and so used FB's fascism to silence me - maybe - who knows - it is suspicious but then when there is no transparency everything is suspicious. And there is no transparency by appeal on FB.
I wrote the Face Book Board in one last attempt to get my timeline, notes and friends restored but I am not holding my breath. There is a wonderful petition I urge you to sign demanding rights for FB users here:
My friend Jude made banners that I love for Operation Green and I will bring them here soon. And what I write here I will transfer to my Pinterest Pages - "boards" as they are called.
Most importantly --my friends can always reach me now by commenting on my posts. They can tell me what is going on in their lives in comments if I do not have their email addresses.
So this is my Welcome Home picture and life goes on.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Tuesday, September 18, 2012
A young killer whale was found in the Wadden Sea in the Netherlands on the 23rd June 2010. The whale, a female, was rescued by Dolfinarium Hardewijk for rehabilitation and was given the name Morgan. They believed that she originated from the Scottish waters and the name Morgan means "Inhabitant of the sea". When she was rehabilitated, it was promised that she would be released back into the wild. That promise, however, was never to become a reality. She was put on public display and lived in horrible conditions; by any standard. A call for her release was made in court by the Orca Coalition, but in bogus claims of "education" Morgan was sent to Loro Parque. She is now on public display, confined in a concrete tank for MONEY AND GREED!
From Orca Coalition:
"That the animal cannot be released after two and a half years is nonsense, it is therefore not the orca experts who worry about that. The orca is a very intelligent animal, something greatly underestimated. The PR machine of the Dolfinarium Harderwijk has, however, made people believe that the animal would die if it would be released. Morgan has never had the chance to return to the wild. Instead, she is confined in a concrete tank in a sunny climate, and she swims between orcas who do not speak her language. This is not comparable to the northern sea where she came from. According to experts, Morgan has not forgotten where she came from: there is a a great chance, that after her rehabilitation, she will join her family or relatives."
The next battle for Morgan's freedom in court is this November first; set fire to the rain and let her roll in the deep!
For more information about Morgan, please direct yourself to Orca Coalition's website (
From Orca Coalition:
"That the animal cannot be released after two and a half years is nonsense, it is therefore not the orca experts who worry about that. The orca is a very intelligent animal, something greatly underestimated. The PR machine of the Dolfinarium Harderwijk has, however, made people believe that the animal would die if it would be released. Morgan has never had the chance to return to the wild. Instead, she is confined in a concrete tank in a sunny climate, and she swims between orcas who do not speak her language. This is not comparable to the northern sea where she came from. According to experts, Morgan has not forgotten where she came from: there is a a great chance, that after her rehabilitation, she will join her family or relatives."
The next battle for Morgan's freedom in court is this November first; set fire to the rain and let her roll in the deep!
For more information about Morgan, please direct yourself to Orca Coalition's website (