Welcome Home
Face Book made the unilateral decision that I must have a commercial page instead of an individual timeline. Green Consciousness sounds like a business to them which says everything about the people who work for Face Book.
FB has no appeal process for users. They simply block your log in unless you convert to a commercial page. I will not convert to a commercial page so I will be writing here again instead of on Face Book. My friends on Facebook have a group called Operation Green to bring back my page. I will bring the link here in case you want to join this group but I am not sure how you do that.
Also since the place is filled with trolls who may report me with lies to silence me and/or FB may have workers who exercise their own prejudices, the same thing may happen to my FB timeline over and over. I saw this happen to an animal rights friend. The FB community help pages are filled with animal rights people bewildered that this has happened to them.
Zuckerberg is leading the fight to weaken USA immigration laws and has many would be immigrants working for him. I believe the factory farming/slaughterhouse/toxic fields industry complex will collapse without immigrant labor and I want that collapse. I also believe the economic interests working class are adversely affected by immigrant labor. Only the bosses and the churches profit from weakened immigration laws.
I push to use foreign aid to help reform the systems affecting people in their home countries, want those countries to pay for the resources used by illegals in this country (so they cannot just keep on using immigration to the the USA to avoid facing the needs of their people and their security issues) and want the IVAWA passed which ties all foreign aid to progress in gender equality. I mean I want a shift in the use of aid for military purposes to human rights purposes. This is how I want to help the people who see immigration as their only option for survival. I want to hold their oligarchies responsible.
Also it is time we tax anti abortion churches who preach irresponsibility, never having to use their resources for overpopulations and who get rich off overpopulations. Their hospitals do not treat immigrants for free but they preach that the USA should - their schools do not educate immigrants for free but they say the USA should. There is absolutely no accountability in the anti abortion crowd to the earth, to other species or to this country's working class tax payers.
I want the Hyde amendment defeated and abortion and birth control a part of every foreign aid package. Resources are limited and population must be decreased or soon there will be no where to immigrate and the other species will all be wiped out by idiots who believe that every woman should be a breeder cow to be exploited by the religions and bosses of the world.
So I am controversial. Who knows if I am being censored or am just the victim of some trolls who reported me to silence me.
My page disappeared as I was defending Nathan Winograd who founded the no kill shelter movement against some Humane Society trolls who see him as a great threat to their beloved do no wrong Humane Society. I was fighting with three anti-Winograd trolls Monica Moles Webb , Bianca Beadling (probably a false name) and Jonathan Gilbert. They suddenly swarmed my page and I just wanted them and their insulting lies gone. I googled their names and they get into this same fight on many timelines so they may work for the HS. But they could not win the argument, were getting kicked off my discussion, and so used FB's fascism to silence me - maybe - who knows - it is suspicious but then when there is no transparency everything is suspicious. And there is no transparency by appeal on FB.
I wrote the Face Book Board in one last attempt to get my timeline, notes and friends restored but I am not holding my breath. There is a wonderful petition I urge you to sign demanding rights for FB users here:
My friend Jude made banners that I love for Operation Green and I will bring them here soon. And what I write here I will transfer to my Pinterest Pages - "boards" as they are called.
Most importantly --my friends can always reach me now by commenting on my posts. They can tell me what is going on in their lives in comments if I do not have their email addresses.
So this is my Welcome Home picture and life goes on.
this is a test comment
Good to hear your thoughts online again, Green ;-)
You have been a true friend through all this Bill, Thank you
Closed GroupClosed Group
• Operation Green was started to support our friend, Green Consciousness. Her page was shut down b...y Facebook because someone who disliked her opinion reported her for misrepresenting herself as an individual, when they thought she was an organization.
• Facebook not only blocked her from accessing her page, but also replaced everything she has ever shared with others, including private messages, with a notice which reads: "This message is no longer available because it was identified as abusive or marked as spam.." This accusation is false, yet Facebook did nothing to verify the accusation before shutting her out of her page.
• After days of exhausting all possible ways to file a complaint we've come to the conclusion that there is no way for her to appeal this decision. We have also come across numerous other people who share this experience. The common link seems to be that all of these people were posting to educate and inform others about animal rights, human rights, and environmental concerns. If this can happen to Green, IT COULD HAPPEN TO YOU.!
• We want Green's page back, but more than that, we want Facebook to create a policy in which those accused of violating Facebook rules or policy have some way to appeal the decision, with access to a case arbiter. People should not be able to shut down others who disagree with them, just by making a false accusation. This violates free speech and makes Facebook useless to those who'd like to use it for more than sharing cute cat photos.
• If you have had this happen to you, or are concerned about Facebook's commitment to free speech, please ask to join our group, share your story and ideas, and stay informed about our options for action.
I've missed you! Lisa N.
Dear Lisa,
It was a great fun time, reconnecting, seeing the glorious dogs, watching you become a stunning beauty and seeing you connect with Wildwoods. You and I will always be connected in Spirit by our long history, love and understanding. We are together whenever we think about each other..
Hi my dear friend. I am glad to have a way to hear what you are up to. Not that I am on the computer that much now a- days, but it is good to know that I can go somewhere and instantly know how you are. I will try to call you over the weekend, and of course you are welcome to call me ANY time. I signed the petition you sent in your e-mail. I still hope we'll have you back on Facebook soon!
Welcome back! Off to sign the petition.
Cyn and Ingrid - my old friends - you have no idea how warmed I am hearing from you, Cyn and Lisa are my old friends from before FB and I dreamed about them last night. Cyn had a beautiful blog Double Jointed Fingers before FB made everything easy. Ingrid is my new friend and sister because we have so many similarities in our lives with Jude making the Trinity. Ingrid, I have not forgotten the VISTA project. I am almost done planting. I have to build a few structures and then I am free.
Jude wrote the statement from Operation Green and wait till you see her banners - they are not pictures so I have to figure out a way to get them on this blog but my webmaster will help me when he is not so busy.
I asked Bill how people join Operation Green and this is what he said:Hi Green,
If you mail them this link, it will take them to the OG page and then they click on the Join Group link - which I think will be in the right hand column, but as I've already joined, then I don't see that any more.
Oh good, I found you!!!! Green I thought you were permanently lost! ;)
Joanne I am so glad to see you here. It is not like FB in that I do not know if you get follow up comments and it is not a private chat but you can get my email address from Bill or Jude or Sharon. Ingrid is off the computer and Pip/Victoria is suffering a terrible life crises so they are unavailable. I will always be available for contact now. I have learned, as have you, that we cannot let them silence us- we will either find a way or make one. Thank you for caring about me.
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This is great... wonderful to be able to speak with you again. And see everyone else as well.. lots to read here. Made a trial comment just to see if it would work for me..and it did.. Yippie!
Sharon, my darling friend from Nova Scotia, my witty, intelligent friend with a Pinterest file from which I stold all the pictures. Ha! The people united will never be defeated! Close to Maine, "Nova Scotia is one of Canada's three Maritime provinces and constitutes one of the four Atlantic Canada provinces. Located almost exactly halfway between the Equator and the North Pole, its provincial capital is Halifax". Wikipedia
i just left a long comment but lost it. so i'll just say i'm enjoying reading your thoughts.
OH I HATE when that happens!!! I always try to copy a comment before I send because these blogs -- a lot goes wrong. Still it is nice to know that there is life after FB.
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