Obama Legalizes Horse Slaughter for Human Consumption
He is a puppet of the corporate oligarchs. He funds them with the money that should go to meet the needs of US citizen taxpayers. He signs legislation to increase the wealth of global corporatists while saying he is signing jobs treaties. He lied about everything to become president. He is a zombi and everyone in his cabinet are zombies lurching after him, following his commands blindly, doing what they are told regardless of the effect on citizens and women globally. They feed on the brains of democrats stupid enough to still trust them.
Obama will kill us all when he loses the next election rather than step down.
In December of 2012.
Pro-Horse Slaughter Terrorists Used Alleged “Dirty Tricks” on White House Website - Obama breaks campaign promise - Again.
Chicago (EWA) – During his 2008 campaign, President Obama promised his unequivocal support for a ban on horse slaughter. “Now is the time for you to keep that promise, Mr. President,” says John Holland, president of Equine Welfare Alliance.
Calling it “paramount to public health”, the Equine Welfare Alliance (EWA) and Animal Law Coalition (ALC) sent a letter to President Obama, urging him to support a ban on equine slaughter for human consumption. The groups also presented the president with more than 6,000 signatures on a White House petition calling for an end to equine slaughter for human consumption.
At the time the petition was created, the White House indicated the administration would consider any issue with at least 5,000 signatures. The equine slaughter ban petition easily gathered more signatures, more quickly than a petition created to reinstate equine slaughter for human consumption in the U.S. The opposition petition was lacking 2,750 signatures when the petition to ban horse slaughter reached 5,000.
Realizing they didn’t have the support, slaughter supporters solicited the help of the American Quarter Horse Association to attempt to reach the required number of signatures. As the deadline approached, the pro-slaughter petition was still well below the required 5,000 signatures. Almost 1,000 then appeared overnight to reach the required minimum, but many of the last minute entries consisted of nothing more than first and last initials. If that wasn’t suspicious enough, this came after a call from the opposition to obtain a list of friends and family that “didn’t have computers” to register and sign for them.
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