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Take This Warning,
you who would hurt
the creatures of wood,
meadow, and hearth.
Beware the Catwomen,
who follow Artemis.


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Earth Holidays

"From conception the increase
From increase the swelling
From swelling the thought
From thought the remembrance
From remembrance the consciousness,
the desire..."
---- Maori Creation Chant

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First Light
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(May the Universe Keep Them Safe and Active for they are the finest of us all and they harm no living thing despite what the bosses tell you)
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Wiscat, Wisconsin’s union catalog
Enter the term, “women,” 444 entries; books, periodicals, oral history interviews, and manuscript collections.

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Women Living Under Muslim Laws
Intern'l Women's Day March 8
Women's Foreign Policy Group
Women's Freedom Forum
Women's History Archives
Women's History Month In 1987, Congress declared March to be Women's History Month
Women's Medical Fund, Inc Assisting Wisconsin women who want but cannot afford abortion - please help
Women’s Studies Librarian’s Office Home of Feminist Collections Journal
Women's Suffrage Day August 26th
Women United
Woodstock Farm Sanctuary
WI Coalition Against Domestic Violence I rarely agree with these liberals who take a great deal of the DV funding
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WI Newspapers Forum & Blogs
WI Statutes
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WI Veterans Museum
WI Watch Reporters covering the underbelly of policy shaping WI while you are unconscious




Despite the challenges, we were seeing free and democratic Iraq, we were living the hard laboring moment we believe that every one of us has duty towards our beloved country. By our hands, work, thoughts, sacrifice we will build up the new Iraq.

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MONDAY, APRIL 13, at 6:30 in yourcounty!

We humane citizens have the right and the responsibility to stand for humane stewardship of Wisconsin wild life instead of the violence that has been the norm for the hunting lobby control of wildlife the past 75 years.

We can BE the change that our world community of scientists has told us is urgent if we are to have a living planet. Right now, 1 in 3 amphibian species, 1 in 4 mammal species, and 1 in 8 bird species are going extinct because of human choices.

We need to act and now. Please attend the DNR election in your county. The election is the first order of business. If no one humane is running as a delegate, take a friend and have the friend nominate you on the floor of the event. Delegate status involves four meetings a year. Please find out how many votes you get and let me know how things go in your county.

The WI Department of Natural Resources will sponsor a PUBLIC statewide election of delegates to represent citizens in policy concerning wildlife and nature -our most valuable commonwealth. The first order of business is theelection of 2 of 5 delegates in each county (72 counties). Right now all 360 delegates are from the rod and gun hunting/trapping clubs, as they have always been.

They are ever expanding their own power, and gaining access to more and more public land, and working on access, by carrot or stick (or trespass) to private land. Their agenda is an expansion of killing more species in more ways in more places. This secretive election is little known to citizens outside of the rod and gun clubs.


With ZERO representation for the non-hunting public, all of the proposals are, as usual about killing. Amongst them are:

1. doubling the season for trapping bobcats. Of course, there is noscientific reason for killing these cats. They keep the population of rodents in check for farmers.

They are a trophy gift to the taxidermy crowd to make into decorative objects in their head hanging rooms.

2. promoting a statewide, year-round coyote kill

3. dropping protection of woodchucks

4. starting a youth conservation congress to lure more youth into killing and trapping wildlife5.

5. Promoting legislation to BAN legislation proposed by anyone outside ofthe hunting clubs unless it goes through the "public" process of the Conservation Congress, which is exclusively under the control of the hunters and trappers.

Ten years trying to reform the Conservation Congress from within and to promote Aldo Leopold's own guidelines for the Congress have not been successful.

Leopold"s guidelines were:

1. Make sure that the money to manage wildlife and nature comes from general public funds (it comes from special interest killing licenses)

2. Make sure that the landowner, naturalist, and environmentalist is as valued a delegate to the Conservation Congress as the hunter or trapper. (totally subverted and privatized and downplayed in importance)

***Therefore, we are proposing that we establish an alternate Living Wildlife Congress for the 90% of Wisconsin citizens who should have equal rights and equal responsibility for nature and wildlife governance. We suggest that the legislature establish this alternative congress with a fee paid by all non-hunting citizens, comparable to a deer killing license fee.

That the money be voted through this alternative congress to address issues pertaining to protecting biodiversity, establishing birding trails, under-road passageways for wildlife migration, re-establishing amphibian species under stress, and helping our natural predators, decimated byhunting and trapping pressures.

*** We will be asking interested organizations to sign on to a petition for such an alternative congress.

Meanwhile, we urge you to alert your membership of the upcoming election and vote on various issues pertaining to killing our wildlife
, at this time of stress on nature, human-caused massive species extinctions, habitat loss, habitat fragmentation, global warming, and continued violence orchestrated by our government agencies.

We urge you to attend this election, and help establish a check and balance to its destructive entrenched power.


NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that the hearings will be held on Monday, April 13, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. at the
following locations

Adams Adams County Courthouse, Board Room, 402 Main Street, Friendship
Ashland Ashland Senior High School, Auditorium, 1900 Beaser Avenue, Ashland
Barron Barron Government Center, 330 E. LaSalle Ave., Barron
Bayfield Drummond high School, Auditorium, 52440 Eastern Ave., Drummond
Brown Franklin Middle School, Auditorium, 1234 W. Mason, Green Bay
Buffalo Alma High School, Gymnasium, S1618 STH 35, Alma
Burnett Burnett County Government Center, Room 165, 7410 County Road K, Siren
Calumet Calumet County Courthouse, B025, 206 Court Street, Chilton
Chippewa Chippewa Falls Middle School, Auditorium, 750 Tropicana Blvd., Chippewa Falls
Clark Greenwood High School, Cafetorium, 306 W. Central Ave., Greenwood
Columbia Portage Junior High School, 2505 New Pinery Rd., Portage
Crawford Crawford County Courthouse, Court Room, 220 N. Beaumont Road, Prairie du Chien
Dane Middleton Performing Arts Center at Middleton High School, 2100 Bristol St., Middleton
Dodge Horicon City Hall, 404 E. Lake Street, Horicon
Door Crossroads at Big Creek, 2041 Michigan Ave., Sturgeon Bay
Douglas Brule Town Hall, 5814 S. Maple St., Brule
Dunn Dunn County Fish and Game Club, 1900 Pioneer Ave., Menomonie
Eau Claire South Middle School, Auditorium, 2115 Mitscher Ave., Eau Claire
Florence Florence Natural Resource Center, Basement, Highway 70/101, Florence
Fond du Lac Theisen Middle School, 525 E Pioneer Road, Fond du Lac
Forest Crandon High School, Auditorium, 9750 USH 8 W, Crandon
Grant Lancaster High School, Auditorium, 806 Elm Street, Lancaster
Green Monroe Middle School, 1510 13th Street, Monroe
Green Lake Green Lake High School, Small Gym, 612 Mill St., Green Lake
Iowa Dodgeville High School, Gymnasium, 912 West Chapel Street, Dodgeville
Iron Iron County Courthouse, 300 Taconite St., Hurley
Jackson Black River Falls Middle School, LGI Room, 1202 Pierce Street, Black River Falls
Jefferson Jefferson County Fairgrounds, Activity Center, 503 N. Jackson Ave., Jefferson
Juneau Olson Middle School, Auditorium, 508 Grayside Avenue, Mauston
Kenosha Bristol Grade School, Gymnasium, 20121 83rd Street, Bristol
Kewaunee Kewaunee High School, Auditorium, 911 3rd Street, Kewaunee
La Crosse Onalaska High School, Field House, 700 Hilltop Place, Onalaska
Lafayette Darlington High School, Auditorium, 11838 Center Hill Road, Darlington
Langlade Antigo High School, Volm Auditorium,1900 10th Avenue, Antigo
Lincoln Tomahawk Elementary School, 1048 East Kings Road, Tomahawk
Manitowoc UW Manitowoc, Theater, 705 Viebahn Street, Manitowoc
Marathon D.C. Everest Middle School, 9302 Schofield Avenue, Weston
Marinette Crivitz High School, Auditorium, 400 South Ave, Crivitz
Marquette Montello High School, Community Room, 222 Forest Lane, Montello
Menominee Menominee County Courthouse, Basement, Courthouse Lane, Keshena
Milwaukee Nathan Hale High School, Auditorium, 11601 West Lincoln Avenue, West Allis
Monroe Tomah High School, Cafeteria, 901 Lincoln Ave., Tomah
Oconto Suring High School, Cafeteria, 411 E. Algoma St., Suring
Oneida James Williams Junior High School, 915 Acacia, Rhinelander
Outagamie Riverview Middle School, Auditorium, 101 Oak Street, Kaukauna
Ozaukee Port Washington American Legion, 435 Lake St., Port Washington
Pepin Pepin County Government Center, County Board Room, 740 7th Avenue W., Durand
Pierce Ellsworth Senior High School, Gymnasium, 323 Hillcrest St., Ellsworth
Polk Unity High School, Gymnasium, 908 150th Street/Hwy 46, Balsam Lake
Portage Ben Franklin Junior High School, Auditorium, 2000 Polk Street, Stevens Point
Price Price County Courthouse, County Board Room, 126 Cherry Street, Phillips
Racine Union Grove High School, Auditorium (Use Hwy. 45 School Entrance), 3433 S. Colony Ave., Union Grove
Richland Richland County Courthouse, 181 West Seminary, Richland Center
Rock Pontiac Convention Center, 2809 N. Pontiac Dr., Janesville
Rusk Ladysmith High School, Auditorium, 1700 E. Edgewood Ave., Ladysmith
Sauk UW – Baraboo Sauk County, R.G. Brown Theater, 1006 Connie Road, Baraboo
Sawyer Hayward Area Middle School, Cafetorium, 10408 Greenwood Ln., Hayward
Shawano Shawano Community Middle School, LGI Room, 1050 S. Union Street, Shawano
Sheboygan Sheboygan Falls High School, Auditorium, 220 Amherst Avenue, Sheboygan Falls

St. Croix WI Indianhead Technical College, Cashman Conf. Room, 1019 S. Knowles Ave., New Richmond
Taylor Taylor Co. Fairgrounds, Multipurpose Building, State Hwy 13 and Hwy 64 Intersection, Medford
Trempealeau Whitehall City Center, Gymnasium, 36245 Park Street, Whitehall
Vernon Viroqua High School, 100 Blackhawk Drive, Viroqua
Vilas Town of Plum Lake Town Hall, 235 Lake St., Sayner
Walworth Delavan/Darien High School, Auditorium, 150 Cummings, Delavan
Washburn WI Ag Research Station, W6646 Hwy 70, Spooner
Washington Washington County Fair Park, Exhibit Hall, 3000 Hwy PV, West Bend
Waukesha Waukesha Co. Tech. College (WCTC), Anderson Education Center, 800 Main St., Pewaukee
Waupaca Waupaca High School, Auditorium, E2325 King Road, Waupaca
Waushara Waushara County Court House, 2nd Floor Old Courtroom, 209 S. St. Marie, Wautoma
Winnebago Webster Stanley Auditorium, 915 Hazel Street, Oshkosh
Wood Pittsville High School, Auditorium, 5459 Elementary Ave., Pittsville


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