Tell me Again how Islam is not the Enemy

The picture is real and from Iran. The camera man didn't stop it because this was a legal stoning for adultery ( the woman was raped) under Sharia law.
Cordially, Uncle J
Military Matters
The Iranian Penal Code is very specific about the manner of execution and
types of stones which should be used. Article 102 states that men will be buried
up to their waists and women up to their breasts for the purpose of execution by
stoning. Article 104 states, with reference to the penalty for adultery, that
the stones used should “not be large enough to kill the person by one or two
strikes, nor should they be so small that they could not be defined as
See also on the blog Military Matters:
CBS 60 Minutes occasionally justifies it's existence and tonight they managed that for me.
I was disgusted but not surprised when a deranged jihadi shot, cut the throat
of, and pinned an Islamic screed to the chest of Theo Van Gogh with a knife.Van Gogh's transgression was creation of a film called "Submission" in
conjunction with a female Muslim who was also a member of Dutch Parliament, Ayaan Hirsi Ali. (Greenconsciousness note: Go to MM and see the picture of
Ayaan which Jimbo labeled"Freedom Fighter")The missive pinned to Van Gogh's chest was addressed to Ms. Ali and called for her death among many other hateful sentiments. As Van Gogh lay on the ground shot, he pleaded "Can't we just talk about this?" Unfortunately you can't talk to these people, you have to make them go away.
Ms. Ali still serves in Parliament and is an active voice for requiring
Muslim immigrants to put aside barbaric practices such as honor killings. She, consequently, is at considerable risk.... says Hirsi Ali. "If you're a Muslim woman and you read the
Koran, and you read in there that you should be raped if you say 'no' to your husband, that is offensive. And that is insulting." Such provocative
interpretations of the Koran have made Hirsi Ali a lot of enemies among radical Muslims. She lives in hiding with round-the-clock security."The people who think she should die for her blasphemy are spread around the world and we must allow no safe haven for these haters and oppressors.
Saudi-financed Wahabbism is an abomination and allowing them to fund a generation of uneducated automatons swaying back and forth while chanting the Koran as their only source of knowledge is unacceptable. Any group that thinks archaic religious twaddle justifies outrageous treatment of anyone needs to wake up and look around.....more on MM.
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