The third reason to vote for Obama
For years I have been screaming about how the organizations we trust do not belong to us but have been bought by the oligarchy. The Korman/Planned Parenthood clash is the first time I have seen the decent people fight back. That tells me that when they act to oppress us in a way that is clear, the people will resist. Usually they are much more tricky about the way they are killing us and destroying our organizations. It is more incremental. That is why their fanatics are our friends. They have no patience and expose the scheme before the trap is sprung shut.
Also the president insisting that contraception will be available to all women regardless of catholic dogma and muscle is the first time anyone insisted we live in a secular democracy in the US.
Note to Catholics: How can you support your pedophilic, closeted, woman hating, church with your money while in your private life, ignoring every ugly thing they preach. Don't you understand your collection money goes to those policies that are calculated to destroy our democracy, outlaw contraception and support the oligarchy? You know you use contraception. You know you would be in the gutter if you had a kid every year. And you know that is where the Catholic church wants you. In the gutter of ignorance and desperation handing them most of your paycheck every month in some pie in the sky belief system. Wake up! You are the God of your life. Make the world you want to live in not some sado dream of an aging, wicked, old man and his posse counting their gold in the Vatican. Leave that church but first fight them openly in this election. (Read GYNecology by Mary Daly for inspiration)
If this election could be seen as a struggle for secularism, it would not only be revolution here but a model for the Arab Spring. Bush started the Arab Spring with his invasion of Iraq. That move started this whole struggle for self determination in the Middle East. No one will ever thank him or credit him. But I know.
When they tell you our soldiers gave for lives for nothing remember that. They gave their lives and limbs to start the process of freedom for a whole race of people and their slaves. Not for their immediate family but for the evolution of the world. Yes, it will take long for the brotherhood to evolve and the Muslims may blow it but they were given an example and a way by US soldiers. Then, the people took it to the streets and died for it. Birth is painful. Every current revolution in the Middle East can be traced to a US soldier. Not that there will be ever any thanks to them except from those of us who know.
If our financial foreign aide and corresponding NGAs could be connected and we would clearly state that our help is connected to the acceptance of secular government separate from religion, we would be helping our self by helping the people in other countries. We could make it clear that the NGOs are there to teach the mechanism of secular democracy. If there was an acceptance of the policy of separation of church and state, there would be a mighty evolution of the earth toward the good. If the aided country objects, the US would not offer financial assistance.
Watch the trial of the 49 American NGO workers in Egypt. That is the tip of the sword. The NGO workers were teaching secular democracy (they are probably CIA but who cares-they were doing the work). They are being accused of "interfering" in theocracy although it is disguised in other charges. Our massive foreign aid must be connected to promises from the recipient that our NGOs teaching secular democracy be allowed to freely operate.
Otherwise, why on earth are we arming these fascists at such a cost to our own economy.?
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