Hey New York - time to join up - yes I am talking to you
Many of the activities we do every day like turn the lights on, cook food, or heat or cool our homes rely on the combustion of fossil fuels like coal and oil, which emit carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases when burned. This is a major problem because global warming destabilizes the delicate balance that makes life on this planet possible.
Just a few degrees in temperature can completely change the world as we know it, and threaten the lives of millions of people around the world. But don't give up hope! You can help stop global warming by taking learning here at 350.org.

So start withdrawing your money from agri-business and dirty energy. Stop the ridicule. Stop listening to the paid mouth pieces for polluters. Stop begging for their jobs. Stop electing their politicians. Ask questions. Start really educating your self.
Stop being a wise ass and get serious about saving your own life by realizing your connection to every other thing on this planet earth. Feel it! Their money will not save you.
Save the planet- That is the ONLY way to save your self.
![]() | 08/31/11 As our friend Bill McKibben wonders in his recent article "Global Warming's Heavy Cost" for The Daily Beast, "What's a tropical storm doing heading for the snow belt?" As he writes: "This year has already seen more billion-dollar weather disasters than any other in history. Last year was the warmest ever recorded on planet Earth. Arctic sea ice is near all-time record lows. Record floods from Pakistan to Queensland to the Mississippi basin; record drought from the steppes of Russia to the plains of Texas. ... This is what climate change looks like in its early stages." McKibben and hundreds of protesters have been arrested in D.C. in the last week, trying to get Washington to pay attention to the dangers of climate change, and expressing their disapproval for the Keystone XL Pipeline. As McKibben explains, "The proposed Keystone Pipeline would connect the tar sands of northern Alberta with the Gulf of Mexico. Those tar sands are the second-biggest pool of carbon on the continent; if we tap into them in a big way, says the federal government’s premier climate scientist James Hansen, it’s 'essentially game over for the climate.'" Visit TarSandsAction.org and 350.org for more on their efforts to stop Keystone XL, and wake up Washington on climate change. For more on the connection between Hurricane Irene and climate change, visit NRDC.org. AL GORE: "WIN THE CONVERSATION" Al Gore is urging people to stand up and "win the conversation" against climate change deniers, in the same way people stood up against racist views during the civil right movement. As Gore remarks, "Powerful polluters ... see it as a useful strategy to try to convince the public that the scientists are liars and that they're greedy and they're making stuff up. All in the service of their overarching strategy of creating enough doubt to persuade people that there shouldn't be any sense of urgency about addressing this crisis." Click here to view video of Gore's interview with Climate Reality Project's Alex Bogusky. And visit ClimateRealityProject.org to learn more about their "24 Hours of Reality" live stream project to reveal the truth about climate change, set for September 14, 2011. Remember to join us at Facebook, and follow us on Twitter (@stopglobalwarm) for global warming related news updates. And please sign up to follow me on Twitter (@Laurie_David). Keep Marching, Laurie David Founder StopGlobalWarming.org |
in climate change. IGA contributes to the three major greenhouse gases: carbon dioxide (CO2) from the use of fossil fuels, nitrogen oxide (N2O) from the use of chemical fertilizers, and methane (CH4) from factory farming. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate change (IPCC), atmospheric concentration of CO2 has increased from a pre–industrial concentration of about 280 parts per million to 379 parts per million in 2005. The global atmospheric concentration of CH4 has increased from pre–industrial concentration of 715 parts per billion to 1774 parts per billion in 2005. The global atmospheric concentration of N2O, largely due to use of chemical fertilizers in agriculture, increased from about 270 parts per billion to 319 parts per billion in 2005. Industrial agriculture is also more vulnerable to climate change which is intensifying droughts and floods. Monocultures lead to more frequent crop failure when rainfall does not come in time, or is too much or too little. Chemically fertilized soils have no capacity to withstand a drought. And cyclones and hurricanes make a food system dependent on long distance transport highly vulnerable to disruption. Genetic engineering is embedded in an industrial model of agriculture based on fossil fuels. It is falsely being offered as a magic bullet for dealing with climate change. Monsanto claims that Genetically Modified Organisms are a cure for both food insecurity and climate change and has been putting the following advertisement across the world in recent months. 9 billion people to feed. A changing climate Now what? Producing more Conserving more Improving farmers lives That’s sustainable agriculture And that’s what Monsanto is all about. All the claims this advertisement makes are false. GM crops do not produce more. While Monsanto claims its GMO Bt cotton gives 1500 Kg/acre, the average is 300–400 Kg/acre. The claim to increased yield is false because yield, like climate resilience is a multi–genetic trait. Introducing toxins into a plant through herbicide resistance or Bt. Toxin increases the “yield” of toxins, not of food or nutrition. Even the nutrition argument is manipulated. Golden rice genetically engineered to increase Vitamin A produces 70 times less Vitamin A than available alternatives such as coriander leaves and curry leaves. |
Preach it sister! even though I fear these messages may be too little, too late...
Sorry for my foggy memory, but I can't remember if I recommended the "Collapse" documentary to you? Scariest movie I've ever seen!
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