WI agencies encourage factory farms hurting citizens and family farms
Now that you realize global warming (extreme weather) is real and effects us in WI, isn’t it time to reconsider permission given by Bradford Township, Rock County and the WI DNR allowing Todd and T.J.Tuls to build a 5,200 cows factory "farm" in the town of Bradford? After all, "The 257,000 dairy cows, nearly 270,000 hogs, 40,000 beef cattle, 4.9 million broiler chickens, and 3.6 million egg-laying hens on factory farms in Wisconsin produce as much untreated manure as 69 million people — 12 times the population of Wisconsin."

The Tuls are now building manure lagoons to hold the waste from over five thousand animals. Can you imagine the smell in this 95 degree heat which will become the norm for the summer months in WI? The Tuls, who seemingly have no concern for their neighbors, wanted to empty the lagoons by spraying untreated feces on crops they will grow on their land, but even the DNR balked at this. The DNR is the enemy of decent people in this matter. But the WI Health Dept has been an ally and wrote letters explaining the impact of sprayed untreated manure on public health. That forced the DNR to refuse permission to spray feces on crops. The Tuls do this untreated manure spraying on their factory farms in Nebraska. Only they know where those crops go ultimately.
However, the DNR gave the Tuls permits to build these cow factories, which will put small family farms out of business, even though they have no plan to rid the factories of the waste except to store it in lagoons. Sort of how we build nuclear power plants.
However the Tuls will continue to press for a cheap way to relieve their property of the manure that just keeps growing. The Tuls say they are working “closely” with the DNR. Their manure will get into our drinking water and on our food sooner or later. The amount of water the Tuls will draw from the common supply will be tremendous and probably free to them but not to the water bill paying community.
Forget about the suffering of the animals housed in these sweltering, fly ridden, concrete hells. Forget that the babies they produce will be shipped at 8 weeks to the slaughterhouses to make more money for the Tuls. Can you imagine the amount of methane (CH4) released into the atmosphere, increasing the greenhouse effect, and thus contributing to the increasing heat in our state and the Midwest?
Greed has its own punishment. The water will be dirty and we will have to buy it in bottles. If we continue to listen to the lies of those who wish to turn WI away from organic family farms to corporate factory farming of animals, it is the ordinary people of WI who will pay the costs while families like the Tuls get rich destroying our environment. This is our state and we need to obtain control of those who issue permits in our name. Right now they are only speaking with the greed of Big Money.

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