Please Act for the Songbirds who under so much pressure as their habitats are destroyed

The numbers are staggering: tar sands mining in Canada’s Boreal forest could claim the lives of 160 million migratory birds -- including millions of backyard songbirds we love seeing and hearing every summer.
Now, the oil giants want a new tar sands pipeline that would drive even more destruction of the Boreal and its songbird nursery -- unless we mobilize swiftly to stop it.
Please send a message of protest to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who will soon determine whether this cross-border project is in America’s national interest. She needs to hear from you immediately. Her department is rushing headlong toward approval of this environmental fiasco.
The Keystone XL pipeline would transport raw, toxic tar sands oil 2,000 miles -- from Alberta, Canada to refineries in Texas -- threatening fresh water for millions of American families. Its sister pipeline -- the Keystone One -- has already ruptured 12 times in its first year of operation!
The Keystone XL will double tar sands consumption in America, thereby doubling the devastation of Canada’s Boreal forest and its songbird nursery.
Four out of ten “backyard birds” in America migrate to the Boreal to nest and rear their young. Where will those birds nest if their ancient forest home is obliterated to produce the world’s dirtiest oil?
Barrel for barrel, the production of tar sands oil spews three times more global warming pollution than producing conventional oil. And transporting more of it to the U.S. won’t even lower our gas prices; it will actualy increase gas prices in the Midwest!
It’s critical that hundreds of thousands of Americans direct their outrage at the State Department, which has never delivered the hard-hitting environmental review of the pipeline that Secretary of State Clinton promised.
It’s beginning to look like “the fix is in” and that Big Oil’s interests will once again prevail over everyone else’s unless there is a national outpouring of protest.
Make your own voice heard by telling Secretary Clinton to deliver the full review she promised and to reject the Keystone XL.
The tar sands pipeline will destroy the Boreal, decimate songbird populations, turbo-charge global warming, raise gas prices and threaten to poison America’s drinking water supplies.
Tell Secretary Clinton you’re not willing to pay the high price for more tar sands oil!
Frances Beinecke
Natural Resources Defense Council
P.S. After you send your message to Secretary Clinton, you’ll have the opportunity to forward my message to people you know who should be alerted to this issue.
Please be sure to help spread the word. Time is short. We can only stop the pipeline -- and save millions of songbirds -- if each of us helps mobilize a national outpouring of protest by reaching out to one or two other people.
Thank you.
It is not hopeless. After receiving many petitions last week, EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson announced tough new clean air standards for power plants that will, among other benefits, prevent 34,000 premature deaths every year.
The Las Conchas Fire in New Mexico is still burning. It is rapidly growing by the day. On June 29, I did a phone interview with Jay Coghlan, executive director of Nuclear Watch New Mexico and his colleague Scott Kovac; and sit down conversation with Marian Naranjo, a prominent native American elder and activist from the Santa Clara Pueblo and Joni Arends, executive director of Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety. As you’ll see, the Las Conchas Fire has woken us up. It is time we learn from this deadly fire and stop a proposed plutonium bomb factory at the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). I’ll tell you how your voice is crucial in this matter, but first here is an update on the fire that is also burning Santa Clara Pueblo lands.
ALSO SEE THIS POST In the shadows of Las Conchas (by Skylanda) AT ECHIDNE:
In this article, a woman from the Santa Clara pueblo describes the shattering of a native belief system after LANL arrived: how can one maintain the spiritual relationship to such things like rain and fire if you know those things may now carry the silent killer of radioactive and chemical waste – especially from the days when phrases like “environmental protection” had not yet begun to exist. The future of LANL is even further complicated by the construction of a new plutonium processing facility on the lab site, essentially a brand new bomb-building factory, to the tune of $6 billion in taxpayer money – a rankly anomalous development under a federal regime that has made a loud public show of nuclear arms control as a goal.
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