This revolution for democracy in Iran is monumental. We ought to be arming the people - ought to be sending in the women’s army we have marginalized to the camps at the border.
Now is the time to help anyway you can!,9171,986213,00.html
Read the woman's army leader's blog Here.
Iran: At least 10 protesters killed and hundreds injured
Monday, 15 June 2009
Mrs. Rajavi calls for formation of international mission to investigate the deaths and arrests
In yet another criminal act, agents of the Revolutionary Guards on Monday afternoon killed at least one protester in Tehran and injured many others.
Iran: Barbaric raid on Tehran hospital to arrest the wounded, medical staff resist
Sunday, 14 June 2009
Agents of the regime’s notorious Ministry of Intelligence and Security and anti-riot forces launched an inhumane raid on Tehran’s Hezar Takhtekhabi Hospital at 01.30 am on Sunday to arrest those injured during clashes on Saturday. The agents assaulted the medical staff there. The suppressive forces continued with their pressures until 03.30 am when they were finally forced to leave following resistance by the medical staff and the relatives of those injured. In the course of the standoff, treatment for the injured had to be put on hold even as the number of injured people transferred to the hospital increased.
Read more
FROM Women Against Fundamentalism in Iran,
Iran election protester details encounter with riot police militiamen
Iran election protester details encounter with riot police, militiamen 15 June 2009 The Los Angeles TimesBy Borzou Daragahi
Iran E-Zan Newsletter
June 15, 2009
With the widespread protests in full swing, Iranians are sending a strong message to the world that there is no republic in the "Islamic Republic of Iran". Iranians live under a system of theocracy which makes mockery of democratic processes such as elections. Still, the doubtful White House refuses to call the recent elections in Iran a sham and rigged because it is pinning is hope on negotiation even with the unelected and Supreme-Leader-selected Ahmadinejad.
The fact is, theocracy has been in full swing since 1981. Over the past four years, many have come to know what Ahmadinejad is all about, the excitement is now over the new guy, Mirhossein Mossavi. A quick glance on history of crackdowns, massacres and wave of suppression, however, implicates both Ahmadinejad and the so-called "opposition candidate" Mossavi.
Both men were directly and indirectly engaged in:
- The 1980 engineering of "Cultural Revolution" in the universities and the subsequent crackdown on all opposition groups from 1981-1986 which led to mass arrests and executions, including execution of pregnant women, 9-year-old girl and 70-year-old grandmother.
- The 1988 massacre of political prisoners which led to killings of thousands including many women. - The chain killings of the writers and intellectuals with at least 133 people killed, mostly in Tehran, during the 1990's.
- The worldwide assassination of exiled political opponents which took lives of at least 210 people from 1991 to 1997.
- The crushing of student movement, mass arrests and executions in the summer of 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 and 2003.
- The crackdown and mass arrest of women on International Women's Day in 2004, 2005, and 2006
- The weekly public hanging including several hangings and stoning of women in 2007, 2008 and 2009.
So, even if the Supreme Leader, Khameini, would have sanctioned Mossavi's presidency, he is still responsible for his crimes against the Iranian people given the above glimpse into his past. One has to keep in mind that the post-election protests in Iran is not about Mossavi. It is about rejecting the regime in its entirety.
The world community must look beyond Mossavi and take note of the message that is coming from the Iranian people. It is time to isolate the regime and recognize its illegitimacy of all its factions. It is unacceptable that as Iranian people paying the the price of freedom with their lives, the world continues to "monitor the situation" in silence.
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