WI Marquette University requires cruel experiments on animals
After receiving a complaint from a concerned student, PETA has learned that Marquette University requires students in its experimental physiology class to conduct cruel experiments on the nerves, muscles, hearts, and other organs of rats, frogs, and turtles.
Frogs' brains are destroyed by sticking a pin through their skulls (called "pithing"); they are dissected while their hearts are still beating. Turtles are dealt blows to the head with hammers, and rats are operated on and then killed.
There are many humane, non-animal methods that have been proven to teach anatomy and physiology as well as or better than the use of rats, frogs, and turtles in these kinds of cruel exercises.
PETA has already asked Marquette to replace these outdated experiments with a humane curriculum, but we have yet to receive any assurances from Marquette that this will take place. We're now calling on you to help end these cruel classroom experiments. programs and teachingPlease contact Marquette University's Dr. Margaret Bloom, vice provost for undergraduate , and politely ask that the university end these experiments and implement humane, non-animal teaching methods in its science courses.
Please help us spread the word about the experiments on rats, frogs and turtles in Marquette University classrooms by e-mailing this important information to your friends.
Julian Carr, Research Associate People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
UW-Madison is far worse, microwaving small monkeys alive by "accident"; fighting to continue big bucks experimentation on primates that produces nothing of value but makes the sadist "researchers" very very rich off our tax dollars; now seeking by legislation to curb our first amendment rights in order to prevent exposure of their useless cruelty ; so much for sifting and winnowing when it interferes with their fundraising: See Primate Freedom.
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