crush porn
Feministe has an article about “crush porn”. That is, in order to sexually arouse viewers, you get someone, often a woman, often in high heels, to stand on small animals and listen to them squeal as they are slowly killed.
Hopefully you can already guess how I see this. The very fact that the issue of whether such snuff films can be banned without violating “free speech” has gone to various courts and judges to decide upon indicates how fucked up our society is.
The main thing that gets me is that this is all framed in a discourse around ‘cruelty’.
Cruelty is not the point. Talking about cruelty, or compassion, re-inforces the legitimacy of ‘humanely’ murdering or abusing animals when it is ‘necessary’...................more at Bones
Greenconsciousness notes: You see where porn goes? Into expressing the sadistic, narcissistic, basest impulses of those who do because they can.
Every time I hear first amendment arguments for porn, I say: not until real people are shown nude routinely, not until we have life drawing in the schools, not until sex information and videos showing normal sexual union are freely distributed, not until education about how spanking and humiliation of children turns them into sado/masochists and such practices are outlawed.
As long as misogynist, sadistic , porn is the only sexual experience and explicit education allowed to children, I will speak out against it. And I will teach how this type of sexuality is fed by the stylized gender roles parodied by transsexuals.
Normal sexual desires fades in intensity after puberty and young adulthood (early 30's). What is left are security needs disguised as sexual desire. This should be taught and understood but instead we are offered Viagra and porn to uphold the lie. And more and more sadistic sexual videos because senses dull and the need for more to satisfy the individual increases like heroin, crack or meth until we are burned out.
And I will seek to outlaw the use of children in fashion ads, even adults who look like children; outlaw the use of children on the Disney channel as Hana Montana sexualized rock stars; outlaw the use of children in beauty pageants and the use of sexualized children as fashion models and movie stars.
They do it subtly in the movies, the pedophile casting couch producers, paying the pale, anemic, helpless looking, little boy's parents and the provocative, coy little girl's parents -- all of it is one step away from children actually used in porn films.
Porn and sexualized children in the media (light porn) creates twisted desires in normal children and intensifies the perversions in abused children. Nothing in society counterbalances it.
Society/schools forbid normal sexuality to be shown to children and at the same time tolerate an illicit porn industry which makes perverted, degraded sexuality in porn available for viewing everywhere. That influences the direction of children's sexuality negatively. Pedophiles groom children and right now social norms around porn reinforce that grooming.
Last, where is the FBI. You can trace these sites and the pictures on them. Where is law enforcement. Out arresting PETA members?
Since I'm being linked to (which I appreciate) I felt I should mention that I think while we agree on many things, we disagree on many others.
In particular, I disagree with describibg sadistic/masochistic sexuality per se as perverted and sick. Consensual sadomasochism is a normal and healthy permutation of sexuality. I share your concern that porn is turning it into something unpleasantly unbiquitous, but there's nothing wrong with sadomasochism itself.
Here is what is wrong with it. Children are not born with S/M sexual identities. This is forced on them by sadistic disciplines; humiliation from those they love; etc etc. They have intense emotional experiences which are pain and shamed based and their sexuality is imprinted accordingly. Then they are stuck with this twisted expression their entire life. Sexual satisfaction becomes associated with power and helplessness and humiliation.
That is what is wrong with all the compulsive dominance submission sexuality. So tied is to our early childhood training we cannot conceive of sexuality without it being tied to some kind of D/S.
For the studies, Read: Beating the Devil Out of Them by Murray Strauss.
What is wrong with it is that it has its' roots in child abuse.
Now once twisted, there may be a need to act it out with willing partners or masturbate with it in mind to get any kind of sexual satisfaction. But it is a dangerous and pathetic game that if not done critically may escalate in an unfortunate manner. In any case, it will affect every area of your life outside of sexuality.
And for seriously abused children you end up with torture of animals and children. Crush porn is done for men who masturbate while watching it. Think about that.
It is all about what you want to reinforce in your life and personality. Because sexuality is powerful and every time you experience it something is reinforced in your heart,soul and mind.
I am working on being something other than what my parents made me.
"it has its' roots in child abuse"
"it is a dangerous and pathetic game"
"that if not done critically may escalate in an unfortunate manner"
"it will affect every area of your life outside of sexuality"
I would suggest that all these things are false, even if they're true in some cases.
I do not believe that all sadomasochists have suffered child abuse or even corporal punishment. Some have, other haven't (I haven't).
I don't really know what 'critically' means but it's not true that sadomasochists are 'dangerous' or 'prone to escalate' in dangerous ways. The fact that sadomasochistic fantasies may characterise many rapists/murderers/etc. implies nothing about the mainstream of sadomasochists.
I don't believe that saodmasochism affects every area of your life. I believe that sadomasochists are in fact usually more able to separate fantasy from reality than others because of the apparatus of safewords and explicit negotiation.
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"I do not believe that all sadomasochists have suffered child abuse or even corporal punishment. Some have, other haven't (I haven't)."
I do not believe you.
9:05 AM
Excuse me? You are telling me that, against my personal testimony, I have been abused as a child?
I do not believe you.
"Critically means with insight -- experiencing a compulsion with the ability to look at the experience and relate it to its' roots or cause. Animals are not born sado masochists. That is a manipulation of the sex drive and it happens in childhood. It does not always involve spanking - often a child watches violence against significant others, is humiliated by the caregiver he loves, humiliated, shamed, lives in a hell of open humiliation of one caregiver to the other., etc You can read the studies - I am not going to read a book.
There are things about denial that I find personally repulsive so you can keep saying S/M B/D is just a choice and not the result of inappropriate parenting but you are talking to someone who has a lot of experience in this area. I know that line is BS, usually perpetrated by those who are in a dissociative state of denial.
Look at your childhood - remember - or live life as if "shit just happens".
Any more personal discussion from me to you I think would be inappropriate but I will publish any further comments you post regardless of my personal beliefs. But do not become a pimp for degradation.
N. Woodmere man in federal S & M sex case out on bail
7:52 PM EST, January 7, 2009,0,5079397.story
A North Woodmere man who was the central figure in a sensational federal sadomasochism case was freed on bail Wednesday to live with his parents while his conviction is under review.
Glenn Marcus, 55, was let out of a federal jail after his parents posted their home on Mulberry Place to secure a $1 million bond.
Marcus will be under home detention and electronic monitoring and will not have access to a computer, said Magistrate-Judge Roanne L. Mann in Brooklyn.
Dubbed by investigators as a "god" in the world of sexual bondage and dominance, Marcus was convicted in 2007 of sex trafficking and sentenced to nine years in prison.
Evidence at trial showed that Marcus dominated and abused a girlfriend identified in testimony only as "Jody." At the trial in Brooklyn, Jody testified that while her submissive relationship with Marcus started out as consensual in 1998, he coerced and tortured her into working on his sex Web site.
But last August a federal appeals court reversed Marcus' conviction and ordered a new trial because some of the evidence involved actions that took place before the passage of the federal Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000. Federal prosecutors in Brooklyn are asking the U.S. Supreme Court to review the case.
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