And the Big Fool says Move On
Found the video and lots of good posts at Buck Naked Politics
The DNC gave 4 of Hillary's Michigan's delegates to BO - and just lost the election for president. Go here for the post-mortum discussions.
Only the Left Democrats would have the arrogance and contempt for coalition building necessary to lose a presidential election this time.
We need a new party for the Center Democrats people.
Let the organizations we built in the 60's and 70's stay with the wealthy Left Democrats who own them now and who have turned them into businesses. Let the Left Democrats use those organizations to manipulate the masses for the interests of the corporations on their Boards.
Let the wealthy Left continue to race bait white people (especially women) in order to divide us from one another and continue to denigrate and ridicule women who do not look or preform as sex objects for the elites.
Let the Left and their media continue to hint that reference to historical facts is a call to assassination. Let the Left continue to brand their opponents as death threateners while excusing the actual assassinations (honor killing) of US Muslim extremists.
We will rebuild from the Center. They own the media but we will build our own media - we have the Internet. We have seen the paid Bobots attempt to co-opt our blogs and they have been unable to do so. Their race guilt tripping has not worked and their use of threats to our civil rights will not work either.
Let US of good will gather in the Center to protect our culture of equal rights, our borders, our sovereignty and our democracy. Let US take back the law and use it to protect the poor and working class from the elites instead of as it is used now, against them, for the benefits of the oligarchs in the name of ORDER. Let us lift the law off the poor and re-regulate the corporations and the treaties.
Let us take back the Unions from organized crime and use them to raise the wages and benefits of US Citizens.
But let US also regulate both Unions and Corporations so that the Consumer's interests are the law's first priority. Let US organize consumer's unions to protect all our interests. Let US organize to use US foreign policy to elevate the rights of working people and women throughout the world.
Let US elevate the environment, medical care and education over the corporate entities that have degraded them into profit centers for the elites. Then let US take back the media with the fairness doctrine and let US stop the sexualization of children by the Hollywood elites.
We must hope that Hillary does not take the VP but instead chooses to stand with us and lead the Center Democrats to victory in 2012.
Funded by a million small donors: April Fools
"Obama's presidential campaign has received nearly $5 million dollars from securities and investment firms and $866,000 from commercial banks through October of 2007.
Obama's top contributor so far is Goldman Sachs (provider of $369,078 to Obama), identified by Center for Responsive Politics (CRP) investigators as "a major proponent of privatizing Social Security as well as legislation that would essentially deregulate the investment banking/securities industry."
Eight of Obama's top twenty election investors are securities and investment firms:
Goldman Sachs, Lehman Bros. (number 2 at $229,090), J.P. Morgan Chase and Co. (# 4 at $216,759), Citadel Investment Group (#7 at 4166,608), UBS AG ($146,150), UBS-America ($106,680), Morgan Stanley ($104,421), and Credit Suisse Group ($92,300). The last two firms are also known to be leading privatization advocates (Center for Responsive Politics 2007a).
Meanwhile, Obama's presidential run has been "assisted" by more than $2 million from the health care sector and nearly $400,000 from the insurance industry through October of 2007 (Center for Responsive Politics 2007b).
Obama received $708,000 from medical and insurance interests between 2001 and 2006 (Center for Responsive Politics 2007c).
His wife Michelle, a fellow Harvard Law graduate, was until a recently a Vice President for Community and External Affairs at the University of Chicago Hospitals, a position that paid her $273, 618 in 2006 (Sweet 2007).
And Obama's sixth largest contributor is Exelon, the proud Chicago-based owner and operator of more nuclear power plants than any entity on earth (Center for Responsive Politics 2007a).
Go figure.
As for his "lobbyist ban," last August the Los Angeles Times reported that Obama "raised more than $1 million in the first three months of his presidential campaign from law firms and companies that have major lobbying operations in the nation's capital."
Campaign finance expert Stephen Weissman observed that this raised troubling questions about the practical relevance of Obama's much-ballyhooed pledge to turn down donations from "federal lobbyists."
"Obama's rise to national prominence and presidential viability, Helman discovered, depended significantly on PAC and lobbyist money."
And we have not even mentioned Soros and the other billionaires supporting him. We have not mentioned the media, owned in significant Shares by Saudi princes."
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