Wisconsin Rats Win Vote to Hunt Cats
The DNR is saying they will not allow hunting cats despite the vote. However, the May meeting of the Wisconsin Natural Resources Board is the next step in the legalized-cat-killing process. Let's see if their arrogant glee in their victory causes them to change their minds (I am using the word mind loosely).
We might all smile and say well they saw the light but actually they saw the emails, the petition and the size of the crowd. And they realized this. Why should they suffer a loss in support when, as reported in the Janesville Gazette 4/12/05, page 3A, after the overwhelmingly anti-shoot the cat voters went home, one hunter in the form of a question said "wouldn't it simply make legal what already happens -that hunters of other game routinely shoot feral cats?"
And this is the truth as I learned the hard way. On green column to your right, click on the cats story, "Higher Consciousness" page.
Many of you know a Wisconsin woman of a hunting family rescued a fawn when its' mother and sister were killed by a car. She has it in a pen on her farm, it comes to her when it hears its' name. "Bambi" eats from their hands and generally has become the family pet. The DNR says no one in this state is allowed to relate to animals in any way except to kill them. The DNR is in Court asking for an order so they can take the fawn and kill it.
On April 22 , when the Judge decides, as he will, that the DNR has the right to take Bambi, we should all be ready to publicize the fact that the hunting mentality controls the DNR, these people are trained to be only killers and we do not want that mentality controlling the natural resources which belong to ALL Wisconsin citizens.
We all should be at that farm sitting in front of that fawn. Let them shoot us all.
DNR Central Office - PO Box 7921 Madison WI 53707
Phone: (608) 266-6790 Fax: (608) 264-6293
Available at: http://dnr.wi.gov/org/caer/ce/news/rbnews/2005/041205co1.htm
MADISON – More than 13,000 people attended the 2005 Wisconsin Spring Fish and Wildlife Rules Hearings and Conservation Congress county meetings that were held in each county of the state Monday, April 11. In all, participants had 74 statewide or local rule proposals to consider.
The most discussion centered on an advisory question from the Wisconsin Conservation Congress seeking the public’s level of support for defining free roaming feral domestic cats as an unprotected species. The question was passed in a statewide vote of 6,830 in favor and 5,201 opposed to the idea.
Results by county will be available shortly at: http://dnr.wi.gov/org/nrboard/congress/sh/results/index.htm
The Rock County Humane Society Exploits Animals and Abuses their Owners: See "The Janesville Gazette", April 12, 2005, "Woman Cited for Excess of Cats", sec B.
A woman was rescuing stray cats, - she had 35 and her daughter 11 - all strays - the house was clean the cats well cared for, all neutered and vaccinated. She showed a stack full of vet bills. The neighbors all said the cats were well cared for and kept indoors. The so called Janesville Humane Society called the cops and took them all. They charged her $260.00 a day to keep them at the so called Humane society until they were adopted or killed - told her to find other homes for them and would not release them until she paid the fines. This morning she paid, $1,180.00 and ordered that they all be killed rather than sit in cages.
I DESPISE THE HUMANE SOCIETY - They are just a clique of bastards who think they should be the only ones allowed to care for animals - they tell people not to feed strays - just trap them and bring them to the humane society so they can get county tax dollars to kill them. They kill 500 every 3 months. I hate hate hate them. Especially Jim Hurley who pushes everyone around at the Janesville location and makes rules that are anti-people such as no one can be near the animals but must look at them through glass. He professed to be shocked that she ordered the cats killed but he did not offer to reduce the fees. No he would have let them sit there until a woman who cleans houses for a living was eating cat food to stay alive. He is totally unsuited to be working at any place calling itself a "humane" society. This "humane society" has turned into a money making bunch of sadists.
I am going to do something about that woman whose 35 cats were killed for no reason other than the humane society wants a monopoly on rescue services. How dare they charge $260.00 a day to keep someone's pets? Especially when there was no reason to remove them in the first place. No wonder they only have a 5% owner reunite number. Who can afford to take home a pet after it is kept there one week? No wonder they do not put all the strays on their computer. I will write more listing their fees here later.
I think the cat people and the Bambi people ought to join together to do something if the DNR tries to take the fawn - the DNR policies and procedures are our common problem.
I am urging the www.dontshootthecat.com people to organize for Bambi using the
newsletter they have to alert their members and using the addresses on their petition to do a mailing for Bambi.
You could go to their site - click on the "email us" button and
tell them you agree with me that we should support all the animal defenders who suffer because of the DNR policies and procedures.
Put your name on their mailing list. I will leave an up-date messages on my blog if they decide to protest DNR taking of Bambi.
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