I am afraid for Hillary
Women, especially the abused and the poor are witnesses to the outrageous fascism of the patriarchy, the lie of the rule of law. And if they talk too much, they are silenced - one way or another.
Today in the Kentucky Derby a female horse, 8 BELLS mysteriously went down at the finish line, both ankles just broke while the 20 to 1 pick BIG BROWN won. They killed 8 Bells on the track. On board ship, eight bells signified the end of one watch and the beginning of another
It was a warning.
I have said before that there is very big corporate money supporting the untested BO because corporate interests feel they will be able to manipulate him more successfully than the battle scarred Clintons.
Do you know what the male left bloggers are doing to WI Representative Tammy Baldwin, who is a lesbian, because she will not abandon Hillary? Do you know what they are telling her and post to her voters about the Clintons? They are saying the Clintons are homophobic and organize politically against Gay people. Yet it is BO who has the Baptist homophobe on the stage with him. There are videos of it and speeches that are on tape.
Here is the cite to the left boys on the Clinton's alleged gay people hatred with even hints that the Clinton's deliberately did "nothing" about AIDS. Read the left boys lies posted as facts and ask yourself if such hysterical desperation is not being PAID for by some very big money - left progressive money. Ask your self if it sounds like Democrats or corporate big money talking through the Daily Kos?
And to other segments of the democratic party, BO supporters claim the Clintons are doing black voter suppression in black majority states. No one is being prosecuted. They just repeat the charges in multiple posts until people believe it because "everyone" is saying it.
In the meantime Howard Dean angrily demands that this be over - that Hillary gets out of the race and leaves it to the men who are serious and have a "real" chance. He moans that Hillary is hurting BO's chances. See Rad Geek for how the convention is threatened if the Democrats don't toe the line.
Be careful Hillary. They kill uppity women in this country just as they do all over the world. But here they make it look self inflicted. Women are made to look crazy or criminal or have bad bones. If they cannot shout you down, marginalize you, shut you away in the crazy house or prison by unequal and selective prosecutions or destroy your credibility and reputation or bury you in poverty by taking all your material possessions, make you unemployable, or neutralize you with grief, if you remain a threat, they will kill your animals and they then they will kill you.
Be careful my heroine Hillary, you are the hope of the people against the wealthy elite in the US. Big money here, left and right, is unchecked in the US. We have seen over and over, from the women who fought big nuclear to big lumber to big coal that they will kill with car "accidents" and beatings, false suicides and political assassination. Then they will close the investigation files for 50 years for the "good" of the country.
Get a grip!
It's certainly prudent to question the "suicide" of the DC Madam. Why is this a strike against women-in-general? This is an attempt to silence a person who has blackmail material.
But the HORSE????? Here's a little secret - race horses break small and large bones in races, and finish those races, all the time. Adrenalin. If there's a conspiracy there, it's one to keep the horse doped so it keeps running despite earlier small stress fractures, which are very common in thoroughbred race horses. And it is possible to nurse a valuable horse through a single leg fracture, but two legs - impossible. The expense for a single leg break is phenomenal, and could be made back at stud for an exceptional animal (50 to 70 mares per year), but it might be a fiscally more risky proposition for a mare (one colt per year). Now, you might not agree with horse racing as a business, and think that the trainer clearly hazarded both horse and jockey by putting the horse out there at that time, but you have to agree with veterinary realities. The unfortunate mare had to be euthanized.
Oh yes, I agree she had to be euthanized. I just think she was sent out with known problems. I know this seems crazy but the level of male hatred toward Hillary - the threats to disrupt and riot if she "steals" the election - the unsubstantiated charges - the level of fascism in this country - and the depth of deception practiced against the people chills me.
Perhaps I should get a grip.
We will see. If I am wrong the beer is on me.
I totally agree. When I posted the top 20 contributors to Obama, 17/20 of which are financial and insurance institutions, these institutions all the way from NY, Johannesburg, Geneva, London and NY were frantically on my blog for three days even though it's public information (opensecrets.org). They want to privatize social security.
Did you see this? I quoted you under the title see O's million small donors.
AND I published the names of those who want to privatize SS here:
Also DONNA thanks to your posting on your blog of this:
I'm afraid for Hillary, too. I saw that, thanks.
Barbarossa's (sic) veterinarian was on TV today. They asked him if going down with two broken ankles was unusual and he said it was very rare - he went on about how unusual this was. He implied something was very wrong with what happened. He said that it happened at the finishing line when she was pulling up made it even more suspicious.
Even though it seems ludicrous and will make me seem crazy,I do believe this was done to send Hillary a message.
Today, Hillary said this primary will decide whether she stays in or not. Hillary is our Diana. Women will understand what I mean.
I have said, on other posts, that I want Hill and Bill to start a third party called The Union for working class people to fight for our interests as opposed to the corporate interests which now control the Democratic party and determine public policy. The Democrats can keep electing their spoiled rich boys with lies about their impoverished backgrounds and keep excusing their obviously sexist party bosses. We can cordially agree to disagree and form a party to represent the economic interests of the working class, the environment and women.
We can form coalition with the male left who control the democratic party when we have common interests.
Every closed door opens another.
That other horse was not named Barbarosa but Barbaro. I thought the least I could do is get his name right. Barbaro who won the 2006 Kentucky Derby, was euthanized in Jan 2007 after a broken leg suffered in the Preakness Stakes
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